Launch: M -1

Empowering Human Connections

The Launchism


Tic, Toc, Tic, Toc…. We’re finally only a month away from launching our app! Other than fellow entrepreneurs, I don’t think you can fully grasp how excited and happy we are :)

Obviously we do realize that just because we’re launching our service that doesn’t in anyway mean we’ve succeeded. The hardest part is yet to come!

However getting the app out, so to speak, definitely takes a weight off our shoulders. A major difference will be when we meet potential clients or investors since we’ll actually be able to show them and demonstrate the product and not simply use fancy slides…

We do have a beta version that we use during appointments but the impact will be that much greater when we can actually show real groups with real users.

Before launching we also hope to finalize some important partnerships that will be of considerable size which will in turn allow us to be self reliant and have a large user base. Those are some key details for us, and any startup btw, if we want to do a fundraiser.

We are currently negotiating with several clients/groups and hope to communicate about these partnerships in the coming weeks.

*for more interesting blog entries on uKonect go here

