Why We Don’t Surf the Web Anymore ­And Why That Matters

Ron Palmeri
The Layer
Published in
4 min readFeb 28, 2016

Originally published on Forbes / Tech, Valley Voices

Photo: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg

If you’ve been using the Internet from the time before iPhones were made out of aluminum, you’ve noticed that we no longer “surf the Web” nearly as much anymore. Mobile has changed the way we use the Internet, shifting from what was originally a desktop phenomenon to devices we carry with us all time. Push notifications and messaging now bring content to us from the context of our favorite apps, and at an ever increasing rate.

One very graphic example of this shift is Facebook, which pivoted from a browser­-only, “wall post/activity feed” user experience to become a collection of extremely popular mobile apps: Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram, with the Facebook app itself leading the way. This is as big a transition as Bill Gates’ call to remake Microsoft in response to theInternet Tidal Wave of 1995.

The world’s move to mobile fuels this trend even further. (Certain markets, notably China, skipped the web surfing stage entirely.) This is not to say that mobile browsers aren’t part of this trend, but the data clearly shows mobile apps are winning:

Globally, messaging apps are the core driver: WhatsApp boasts a billion users, while WeChat, LINE, and KakaoTalk in Asia boast some 1.5 billion more. Early last year, in-­app messages sent through WhatsApp alone were 50% bigger than all global SMS messages­, a trend that’s only increased since then.

So reviewing the timeline so far: Web surfing was the defining framework in the commercial Internet’s first decade, Facebook led the transition from the browser to messaging apps, and now messaging and notifications will remake all categories of applications going forward. Here’s why:

  • Retention/Engagement: ​Messaging is the best driver of engagement and long term retention, something every application developer seeks. (According to Flurry, messaging apps have an average daily session frequency 4.7x larger than non ­messaging apps.)
  • Context: ​Messaging has solved a problem that Google has not, providing sufficient, reliable context around any given Web link. If it’s a message from a friend or colleague, you’re fairly sure it’s a valuable link (unless, of course, you’re being rickrolled). As Semil Shah puts it, mobile messaging platforms are the new Internet gatekeepers.
  • Cross­ platform​: While greatly powered by mobile apps and texting, messaging is not mobile ­only, and is able to leap across platforms throughout our day: on our smartphones while driving to work, on laptops at work, on our tablets at home.
  • Integrated services: ​Messaging in and of itself is not the sole reason why messaging matters so much. It’s ideal for hooking in other applications, such as payment systems, location/mapping services, and perhaps most exciting, AI ­powered messaging bots which enable companies to simultaneously communicate with hundreds or thousands of customers.

This is where the tech industry is going right now. China has already taken this route via the WeChat social/messaging app. And having won the social media era here, Facebook is trying to dominate consumer messaging. Prescient investors like Fred Wilson have already called it, but the ecosystem continues to evolve. Facebook and Asian incumbents like WeChat and LINE have massive user bases in their favor, but they are also walled gardens, within which companies must cede control of their users, their data trapped within the tight confines of a user experience defined by others.

For that reason, I think we are likely to see messaging and notifications transform apps that we once thought of as Web ­based content. One of the more interesting recent entrants in this category is the Quartz News app, which flips the typical news browsing experience into a text-­based chat with what seems to be an extremely well­-informed friend.

As for the Web we knew in the surfing era, it will still be with us for a while. We’re just more likely to find ourselves there after we’ve tapped on the nicely ­rendered content of a message someone sent us, or a push notification on the lock screen of our phone.



Ron Palmeri
The Layer

Serial founder — started @Layer, @MkIIVentures & @Prism, also helped start GC/Google Voice, @OpenDNS, Scout Labs, Swivel and others. building new stuff.