Random Facts about The Lazy Bastard

Gabriel Machuret
The Lazy Bastard
Published in
2 min readOct 27, 2019

I only ended up writing this book because I announced the launch date for the book on Facebook.

The reality is that I didn’t have a single chapter written at the time…

After I posted on Facebook someone sent me a message asking, “How long is your book?”.
“Will it be a long novel?”
“How many chapters?”
The answer was, “no idea”.

Of course the answer was “no idea” because apart from the cool title and basic concept, I had not even figured out the details of what would be in the book. So of course I had no idea how long a book, that I really didn’t want to write, would be.

Then I thought, for writers, should the length or size of a book be our focus or a measure of our success?

And if size matter and is linked to productivity, why did the Mona Lisa, a tiny 76 centimetres (30 inches) by 53 centimetres (21 inches), take Da Vinci 15 years to produce, when Michelangelo took just four years to paint the entire Sistine Chapel.

Size wise, in case you are wondering, the Sistine Chapel is approximately 1100 square metres, 12,000 feet…

So the question is, why did it take 15 years to paint the Mona Lisa while it took just 4 years to paint the entire Sistine Chapel? The reason, in case you are wondering, is because Michelangelo posted on his Facebook timeline “I bet I can paint that bitch in under five years” and once he did, he had no other option than to tackle the job purely based on social media pressure. #truestory #productivityjoke



Gabriel Machuret
The Lazy Bastard

SEO & ASO Consultant and Internet Marketing Expert — Founder of Startup founders http://www.startupfounders.com.au