
And The Greatest of These Is Love

Adam Ross Miller
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2013


What’s the value of being loved? Love can be justified through how it influences human life. I believe love that is given away -without expecting anything in return - has the path to becoming organically unconditional.

There can be love that does not try or boast for selfish purposes. There is love that hovers higher than any earthly desire or purpose. Love is not full of words but rather of power.

Unconditional love can happen without words; knowing that out of every single person you are the only one in the world that is being loved in this specific manner. Love fosters a DNA, between two beings, that cannot be recognized by any other.

Laughter at its truest form stems from love. Crying at its most tender point circulates straight back to love. Love is fun; love is painful and trial-some.

In a mirror, appearance can change for the better, but what is within? What drives the desires of actions? Many desires are selfish and are shallow.

Love above all will change lives.

It will change your life when it becomes an organic desire, burning deep inside, allowing it to spread beyond yourself and human comprehension. That is unconditional love. All you must do is surrender yourself and accept it with everything you have.

I challenge you to go back and re-read this and replace the word “love” with the thought of it being God our savior.

Find love in the source of creation. You can find it by understanding the actions and desires of the One who loves the most.

