The Minds Propaganda

Internal Hold Backs And How to Grow From Them

Adam Ross Miller
Published in
3 min readSep 5, 2013


Truth is most likely the only vindication of slander. Our minds begin to play tricks on us when we hit challenging walls in our lives. If you haven’t hit a challenging situation in your life that is worrisome to me. I am talking about a giant hurdle that seems like it cannot be conquered. One that puts your back against the wall and makes you realize that there is no money for groceries or rent.

When these situations happen our internal thought process has a few choices.

The natural way the mind leans is on the side of giving up — because it is easy!

Another option would be to lean on relationships for help, which is not bad until you abuse it and the relationship becomes jeopardized. Never burn relationships because of your own wants and needs!

Instead I urge you to choose the third option of getting around, over or through the wall. The third way is to ignore the minds propaganda to give up and begin to genuinely hustle. There are a few aspects to consider in oder to help ignore the propaganda and start winning for yourself.


Lay it down! Humble yourself and start giving instead of always taking. Pride is the most destructive element in your life if you want to win for yourself and others. It crumbles your character and negatively positions yourself out of a-list opportunities.

If you are able to make intelligent, quick and valued decisions in a boardroom, and then be willing to take out the trash at the end of the day you will win. The basic recipe for a successful life is genuine hustle, willingness, relationships and, most important, humility.


I didn’t realize the impact of my struggle until after I started to gain traction and began to crawl my way out. Looking back I’m still not done crawling out, nor will I ever be done. Striving for more wisdom and knowledge is a never ending process. I heard a statement once that said if you are the smartest person in a room out of many people, you are probably in the wrong room.

Character is built through experiences that give you knowledge and wisdom and can never be fully obtained or checked off a list. It is a consistency issue and the mind works as a checklist so we must fight this in order to grow.

The experiences that I’ve endured have been endured by millions of others (even in worse circumstances) but it was something that changed my character and how my mindset breaks down a challenge that is in front of me.

It doesn’t matter how many people go through these struggles, if their character doesn’t change — seen through actions, relationships and values — they will revisit the same struggle over and over again.


In these life hurdles we win when we find our identity spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally. This is something no one can teach. You must find it yourself with perseverance and patience. There is no specific way to find identity in each, but I have to say you have to seek it out. It doesn’t come randomly or fall in your lap without you looking for it. This is another internal element that you must have to win and win for people — I repeat this because all of this, yes, is about you, but it goes beyond you! It brings people and opportunities into play. It brings you to a point of glory for more than yourself.

The mind can play games with you causing you to act in a unconfident way. If we seek out these internal building blocks we will see that genuine hustle becomes easier and much more fun.

Change your foundation starting within when faced with a challenge and continue to grow in it — even if it is uncomfortable. Don’t let the propaganda of the mind make you lazy toward your vision or goals of winning.

Be patient, persevere and lay your own agenda down for others. Humble yourself and work hard and smart by constantly having the willingness to learn more.

