5 Recommended Leadership & Productivity Books for 2020

Books I plan to read (as long as you think I should)

Austin Walker
The Leadership Journal


Anyone who reads my articles with any regularity knows I am a firm believer in books. In fact, one of my best received and most-read articles is just a list of the 10 books that changed my life.

Recently, I asked a handful of people what Leadership & Productivity based books I need to prioritize in 2020, and this article summarizes them. I’m not sure which ones I’ll read, but I started to realize I was sitting on a gold-mine of a list that could help others, as well.

So here it is…a list of five recommended leadership & productivity books I plan on reading in 2020. For each book, I’ll include a picture of a cover, a link to the book, and a the author description. If you read any of them, or have read any of them, leave me a response or note and let me know what you think!



Austin Walker
The Leadership Journal

Executive Coach at Novus Global We help the best leaders on Earth clarify their vision, see how they're getting in their own way and get more done in less time.