Leadership Trends That Never Worked for Me

Four popular approaches that didn’t seem to work

Austin Walker
The Leadership Journal


Photo by Andy Li on Unsplash

Maybe it’s the realization that I’m getting older and that I am no longer going to ever be the young emerging leader in my workplace. Maybe it’s the constant reminder that there’s more that I could do. Or maybe it’s looking at the outer image of other organizations and wondering why things work so well over there.

Either way, I’m a sucker for leadership trends. I want to be the best, most cutting edge leader I can possibly be, so “new leadership paradigms” are fodder for my addiction.

If I’m not careful, I could easily be that boss that comes back from a conference with something new that’s going to change the game. When I was a younger leader, I was that guy.

Fortunately, I’ve grown to realize that not everything works. And if something doesn’t work for my wiring, it’s likely not going to work for the organization as a whole. I believe an organization is only as effective as its on-the-ground employees and only as healthy as its leadership.

Here are the five leadership and organizational trends that just haven’t landed with me. If they’ve worked for you, fantastic. The bigger thing is to realize that leadership isn’t always a one-size-fits-all approach. There are going to be paradigms…



Austin Walker
The Leadership Journal

Executive Coach at Novus Global We help the best leaders on Earth clarify their vision, see how they're getting in their own way and get more done in less time.