How Can We Become Better

Earl Hall
Align With Your Purpose
5 min readSep 16, 2018

We have such a separation mentality. I guess this is normal as in our physical existence we see everyone other than ourselves as apart from ourselves, totally different. Many see others as having their own experience and their own lives. For many, there seems to be no connection at all except for maybe our family members and possibly close friends.

There is one underlying belief we all share. I doesn’t matter what your religion or even if you have none.

That understanding is that we all come from the same place. A Christian or a Jew may believe that it is from Adam and Eve. An atheist may believe it was from a single cell organism. No matter what we all believe that we came from something and it is ONE thing that has led to all that we are right now.

Those of us that are seeking the truth of reality, not the truth of our creation, it does not matter which is true. Whether Adam and Eve or a single cell organism. We realize that we were created by something greater than what was created.

In fact, what does it even matter which it was or if it was a combination of both? We are here now. At this moment we are the greatest creation we know of on this Earth.

The source of who we are is interested in only one thing. That we express who it is that we are.

So who are we?

We are expressions of that that created us so that he can be expressed through us. There is no you or I. It is only us which is one.

Think of it like this. If you created something you would create it to experience the things that you wish to experience. We created space vehicles that are racing through the universe to collect data so that we can understand and experience other things that are out there. We created them to collect data and send it back to us to analyze and learn from.

We do not judge the information at all. We allow those creations to experience it and we simply observe. We, to some extent, guide or direct it in the path that we want it to go but do not judge anything. We even create these things to think for themselves in so many cases so as not to taint or tarnish the information that we receive.

This is how our source lives through us just as we live through our own man-made creations. Our source, our creator, is interested in experiencing all things through us because that is the only way that it can. Without our source having created us, it would not be able to experience anything because it is not in a form to experience anything. Our source feels all that we feel and experiences all that we experience through us.

The essence of who we are is our source. There is only one source, therefore this is how we are all one. There is only one thing. The essence of you is the essence of me and all other living things. There is no separation at all. We in physical form just have the experience of separation so our creator, or source, or god can experience all things at all times.

In reality, we all are one and we all are source. We all are god expressed in many different ways and experiencing many things all at the same time. This is how god is all places at all times. It is through us and all living things.

In the Book of Genesis from the Bible, it even says that God said, “Let us make man in our own image. When you boil it all done what God said was that he wanted to make himself in us. Now I understand that this may be hard for people to accept. Some may even call it heresy. This is only because so many of us would not dare put ourselves on the same level as God. But as I have said before, “there is only 1”. One spirit of God or our source that is in all of us. One spirit or source that is in us all. There is no separation. There is no you and no me. There is only one of us and we are source. One God of which YOU are. “Have not I said that ye are Gods”.

When we fully become aware of who we are, that being ONE, we would treat each other much differently.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Husbands, love your wives as yourselves. Love your enemies and do good to them that mistreat you. What you have done unto the least of these, you have done unto me.

Do you see how simple and easy this can be accomplished when you remember that we all one in the same? We are all the expression of our source so that He can experience a physical reality.

In the book of Romans, it says this…

Romans 12 King James Version (KJV)
12 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

This is not even a request that needs to ask or pleaded for because this is exactly what we all have already done. It is, in essence, the reality that we all live.

2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

When you finally remember who you are where you come from your mind is more than transformed. It is awake and alive with every possibility. Your transformation is simply remembering who and what you are.

3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

How could you think highly of yourself when you come to the realization that I am you and you are me? That you are everyone and everyone is you and we all are God.

4 For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office:

There is only one thing. And that one thing is experienced by and through all of our experiences.

5 So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.

Christians understand that God and Christ are one. What needs to be understood further is that if God and Christ are one and we are one with Christ then we all are one with God or our source.

This is true no matter the religion. We all come from the same one place and all one.

