Questioning God?

Earl Hall
Align With Your Purpose
2 min readSep 13, 2018

In 1990 I was licensed to preach the Gospel. It was the only thing I knew as a boy. I even know that at the age of 13 I had a pull from God to preach his word. At least that is what I thought.

At the age now of 49, I realize that I have been seeking much more than any religion or dogma can contain.

I must admit that writing these words is a bit scary for me. Not because I am unsure of what I know, but that these words will offend many that I love. I respect all people and all faiths, but you know how it can be when you break out from a pack you have running with for years.

Over the past decade, I have been in discussions and even arguments with God. I am sure many have these questions even with a good Christian background.

Why did you put the tree in the middle of the garden if you didn’t want us to eat of it?

Why did you put Job through all of that stuff just to prove a point?

Why do people that have never heard of Christ go to Hell?

Why do you call it free will when if I choose the wrong thing I still go to Hell?

How can a spirit get a woman pregnant to conceive a child?

Why did you do all of this to us when you knew what would happen from the start?

Why did you give me feelings and desires only to tell me to not follow them?

Do you send people to Hell FOREVER…REALLY?

Any of these questions sound familiar to you? I am sure you can add to this and even make your own list. You see we are not supposed to even ask these questions, we are just supposed to obey. Actually, even thinking these thoughts would get you strange looks if others knew what you were thinking.

Here is one thing I know. Love is the highest thing we can be and offer to others. We all have a connection to that higher power and even to each other on a vibrational level.

We have forgotten that connection. We have forgotten our source. The source and the connection is love.

I do not write these words to start a debate (even though I am sure it will). I simply have started asking questions…and getting answers.

