We All Have Greatness Within

Earl Hall
Align With Your Purpose
2 min readSep 13, 2018

First, giving credit to whom credit is due. I have been greatly helped by people like Abraham-Hicks, Napolean Hill, Neale Walsch, and other thought and spiritual leaders. Hence the title of this publication.

Many people, in business, relationships, and life struggle with a feeling of not being good enough. We compare ourselves to others that we deem better than ourselves.

The truth is that we all have greatness within us yet struggle to bring that out at times. Sure, in business especially we tend to want to do amazing things. We want to make a lot of money, have impact and influence, as well as meaning in our chosen vocation.

But what happens if we do not reach the goals that we set? What does it do to our psyche when we go through several divorces or failed relationships?

Many times as a result of what we call failure we can go through depression and even withdraw from society. Even worse, if things get too bad we may even opt out of being alive altogether.

What is the defining factor for happiness and joy? What is the “secret” to all of this? What is the meaning of life?

First, let’s address the issue of what you deserve.

You deserve to be happy. Again, you deserve to be happy. You do not have to earn it. You do not have to qualify for it. There is simply nothing you need to do to get to be happy.

So why aren't you happy?

We live in a world, in a universe, that is designed to give you not what you want but rather what you FEEL.

Your feelings are a direct indicator to your alignment with your source, your god, your higher self/being. All it wants for you is your happiness. It is the absolute essence of love.

However, when you FEEL bad, that is the vibration or frequency that you are putting out. In return, because the universe does not question your requests but only honors them, it gives you more of the same.

Haven’t you experienced that? You let something bother you, then you have a flat tire, then they get your order wrong at the drive through, then you spill your drink. One bad thing follows the other.

On the flip side if you wake up with a smile. All the lights are green. You get the parking spot closest to the building, etc.

We all have experienced these situations in varying degrees in our lives. But have you fully realized that you are causing all of these things to happen?

The feelings or the vibrations you put out attract more of the same. Your greatness is linked to your feelings. You have the power to create your own reality.

You do it every day. You create through attraction your world every second of the day. What would happen if you consciously tried to work on this every day?

What would you start attracting to yourself on purpose?

Your greatness is within you. We will talk more about bringing it out soon.

