Make the League Great Again!

The mainstream league propagandists and their lapdog ‘experts’ push lies about Coach Dan Klempay. It’s time to set the record straight!

Myth #1 Dan Klempay called league members “IR rapists” and “roster criminals.”

Mainstream league propaganda strikes again. This is a concocted lie. Klempay routinely talks about roster security and that not the best sort of people — Robert — broke the rules by using the IR spot incorrectly. We need to stop IR rapists from entering our league.

Klempay is the real victim. The people stand behind him!

D2 is clearly the victim of a vicious smear campaign by those jealous of his 9–3 regular season record. Something he achieved without falsely documenting a player as IR. D2 is a hero for justice!

Myth #2 Dan Klempay bragged on a January 2016 tape that he could blatantly ignore punishment from former league commissioner, Adam Rosenberg.

D2 refused to accept mediocrity, even his own. He rebelled against the San Francisco establishment to drain the league swamp, and his badass behavior has won over the hearts and minds of NFL players and fans alike. He did not accept his Harrer Cup trophy, and he remained mute regarding requests to complete his end-of-season team writeups.

Former Commissioner Berg with new Commish Bauch

Is Coach Klempay really to blame for the administration’s lack of order and efficiency?

Klempay inspires change, and we should take notes. Because of D2, multiple league regulations will be introduced in 2017. Perhaps we’ll see new IR rules in the form of haiku.

Myth #3 Dan Klempay is not qualified to be league champion.

Yes. He’s been in the Harrer Bowl two of the last three years. But don’t we all love a Cinderella story? You bet your ass Coach Klempay will get his Prince Charming (the Championship) even if he sacrifices a glass slipper. The glass slipper here being his dignity.

A true Cinderella story, folks.

Even if D2 were to lose this week’s final matchup, he should not accept that outcome. We all know the entire system is rigged! Are we expected to fall in line like little sheep behind McLicked Together?

“We have so many things that we have to protect in this league,” said Coach Klempay. “We have to protect our keeper rights which are under siege.”

D2 as our champion is a step in the right direction toward law and order in this league.

DooDooCumFudge is my champion! Make the league great again!

