Build Relationships Now

Lean Branding Top 5 Tips: #5

Jeremiah Gardner
Lean Innovation


[To celebrate the last five days of our pre-order crowd publishing campaign, I’ll be releasing the top five lean branding tips over the next 5 days. I hope you enjoy!]

Don't wait until your product is ready.

Don't wait until you have your “identity system” together.

Don't wait until you have a logo.

Instead, start building relationships now in any way you can think of. Take a customer to coffee. Shoot a personal email to the last person to subscribe to your list. Host a fashion show at your office. Call the first person who ever bought your widget, gizmo, or app. The options to get going are only limited to your imagination and your willingness to get out of your comfort zone and in front of the people that matter the most — your audience.

You see, generally, products are about satisfaction, branding is about passion. You need both to build a successful business.

Don’t wait too long to dive into building passionate, strong relationships with your audience.

Here are some questions to get you started:

– What business / category are you in?

– From your audience’s view, how do you think you will be / are different?

– Where does your audience hang out? Twitter? Facebook? Digg? Reddit? Where are they most active?

– Who do you think will be (or is) your most passionate audience?

– What do they want to aspire to achieve? What do they want to become?

Want to learn more? The content above is part of what you’ll learn in The Lean Brand. Join the story and get your limited edition copy here.



Jeremiah Gardner
Lean Innovation

Author of #TheLeanBrand. Mind + Mouthpiece + Mentor + Bulldog Lover. My work is about helping value-creators. Book: