Launch[ED] Day 2016: A Conversation with CEO of PledgeCents, Andyshea Saberioon

Kayla Smalley
LEANLAB Education
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2016
Photo courtesy of Andyshea Saberioon, Genesis School, 2016.

Since Andyshea Saberioon co-founded PledgeCents, he and his team have been revolutionizing the way crowdfunding platforms work for preK-12 teachers from public, private, and charter schools. The tagline, “Because every cent counts,” is absolutely true — all teachers keep 100% of the funds they raise, regardless if they reach their goal.

Beyond helping its users raise money for things like books, field trips, and other resources, PledgeCents recently launched its Preferred Partner Program, which is a network of edtech companies that offer their solutions at a lower cost.

“[The Preferred Partner Program] has helped a number of teachers already streamline one year subscriptions in a matter of days,” says Saberioon. “Our users who may have never heard of ClassTracks or Pear Deck are raising money to use it for the first time.”

PledgeCents’ Preferred Partner Program lowers the barrier of entry for teachers at low-income schools to experience technology solutions in their classrooms.

For Saberioon, the Lean Lab network and Kansas City community at large as being incredibly “helpful” and “supportive,” and has helped PledgeCents “make a bigger impact.”

“A lot of partners have been very open to collaboration,” he explains. “I think just being in the Kansas City ecosystem has been awesome because any time you go into a new market, and you’re not from there, [the community] is not open to adopt new companies. Our experience has been the opposite. [Kansas City] is a small community, but very tight-knit.”

And he is excited to return to share the progress he has made and plans to continue making at Launch[ED] Day.

“We want to come to Launch[ED] Day and report our growth, our partnerships, and be able to show the impact between the end of July and pitch day. [We want to] show the dollars we’ve been raising and show the community that we’re true to our word to what we’re hoping to accomplish come December.”

The goal for December? $25,000+ raised for Kansas City education and 25 schools signed up.

Andyshea Saberioon giving pitch about PledgeCents, Sprint Accelerator, July 2016. Photo by Kayla Smalley

Why should community members come to Launch[ED] Day?

“Why not?” he asks. “You’re in KC, you have this opportunity that lots of cities don’t have. You have teachers who are passionate about making a difference. If you’re passionate and want to make a difference — don’t say it, do it! Come to the Lean Lab, see pitches, talk, see the products, and implement. Give your students an opportunity. What do you have to lose to come and spend two hours of your time to listen to companies? At the end of the day, one of them might fit your needs, and suddenly your students’ outcomes have skyrocketed. What’s holding you back? It’s too good of an opportunity, right down the street, to pass up if you’re really committed to your students.”

We will be announcing which two teams from this year’s Fellowship will earn an additional $25,000 in funding, as a result of the Village Capital peer-evaluation model. Additionally, The Lean Lab has created a Community Pick Award — a combination of all ticket sales — that will be given to the venture voted as best fit for Kansas City education by attendees.

And why should you choose PledgeCents for the Community Pick Award?

“There are great solutions out there, but without a platform like ours, there’s a limited way to access those tools. We’re breaking those barriers between the tools and the access in schools,” says Saberioon. “[And] Launch[ED] Day isn’t the last time you will PledgeCents in Kansas City; our commitment surpasses September 29.”

Photo courtesy of Andyshea Saberioon, Turner High School, 2016.

Join The Lean Lab, PledgeCents, and the rest of Cohort 3 at the Sprint Accelerator on Thursday, September 29 from 5–7 PM at Launch[ED] Day!

