The Leap — Start Here

Matt Sulkis
The Leap Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2019

My name is Matt and I’d like to welcome you to The Leap Blog. In January of 2019 I decided that it was time to leave a job that was making me feel unhealthy, worn down and less of the happy person that I was accustomed to being. I felt torn about what to do next. Continue my career in the corporate arena, knowing that it was making me unhappy?

For as much confidence that I have in myself and my abilities, I just couldn’t quite imagine what a life outside of a full time job, particularly a corporate job, would look and feel like. I knew that making my own schedule or owning a business sounded ideal. I just didn’t know quite how to get there.

That’s when I realized that in my own community I was surrounded by people who had taken “the leap” from a corporate job to try something different or chase a dream. I sat down with a pad and pen and in five minutes had a list of fifteen people that I knew I could talk to about their experiences. Each one of them had left a corporate or full time job to go live another way.

The Leap highlights their stories and experiences. I interview my friends, old and new, about:

  • their “old life,” what they did and how they felt
  • what compelled them to make the leap
  • their decision making and planning process
  • finances, fears and follies
  • their current situation and how it’s all going
  • advice for others

The goal, for myself and for you, dear reader, is to shine a light on the fact that it can be done and that there are great examples of people living non-corporate lives, all around us. I want to inspire you with stories and help you learn from those who have done it themselves.

Happy Reading!

