When A Hidden Learning Disability Holds You Back

Strategies to Overcome Insecurities About Learning at Work

Susan A. Fitzell
The Learning Strategist IQ


Photo by SIphotography / iStockphoto Standard License

Do you see yourself in this person?

Twelve-year-old Joe frustrated his teachers. He had difficulty focusing on his work. He preferred to socialize with the students sitting next to him rather than getting his work done. He paid attention to the teacher for about 10 minutes and then was off gazing into space. He struggled to remember what he’d been taught and more importantly he couldn’t seem to implement what he learned to complete his work or pass tests.

“Joe is intelligent and wants to do a good job, but he just does not apply himself, especially when he’s required to learn information that he thinks is boring,” one of his teachers wrote.

Fast forward to 35-year-old Joe, who is a source of frustration for his boss. Joe has difficulty focusing on his work. He prefers to socialize with his colleagues rather than getting his work done. Continual learning is required in his job to keep up with current regulations and industry specs. When attending a training specifically required to update his skill set, he’s observed staring off into space.

He has the opportunity to use the company’s learning management system as an alternative option, yet he…



Susan A. Fitzell
The Learning Strategist IQ

I write, speak, and coach to foster understanding of neurodiversity in organizations. Top Neurodiversity Writer https://lnk.bio/susanfitzell