Why Now Is the Perfect Opportunity to Promote Remote Learning for Employees

Going beyond the LMS to boost retention and business growth

Susan A. Fitzell
The Learning Strategist IQ
4 min readApr 20, 2021


Photo by Good Faces on Unsplash

The pandemic has revealed a silver lining for employees: reduced commuting time. Rather than spending two to four hours per day commuting to and from an office, employees are signing on and off each day with zero commute time. They’ve gained so many more hours in their day that many workers are reluctant to return to the old office-based work structure.

In addition to not having a long commute to bookend their day, employees are reporting that they have more energy to devote to their jobs, too. It’s not unusual in cities with grueling commutes like Boston, San Francisco, and Atlanta, for workers to need some time after they arrive at the office to physically and mentally recover from the stress of just getting to the office! Working from home removed that need for recovery time and added to their availability as productive workers.

Well great, a status-quo-oriented employer may think. The more they work, the better for the company, right? But a forward-thinking employer knows that a company does better when it helps employees do smarter work. And that the extra energy they have right now is a golden opportunity to promote career development.



Susan A. Fitzell
The Learning Strategist IQ

I write, speak, and coach to foster understanding of neurodiversity in organizations. Top Neurodiversity Writer https://lnk.bio/susanfitzell