Zephyr Buyback December 2018

A summary of last month’s ZEPH buyback statistics.

The Ledger
1 min readJan 2, 2019


Bitspark finished the year with a third $ZEPH buyback, a milestone in the Zephyr roadmap after the launch of our DEX, Sparkdex. As noted in our previous blog post here the buybacks of ZEPH are based on the previous months commissions on Sparkdex and certain traditional remittance channels of which 25% of the commissions will be used for the purchase of ZEPH.

Buyback #3 (30 December 2018):

Account: zeph-bb

Amount: 113953 BTS

Market: BTS/ZEPH

Total ZEPH bought: 755660

Transaction IDs:



Buybacks take place at random times over the period of 30 days up to the amount of commissions apportioned for buybacks. We will include future buyback information in monthly blog posts, thank you for your support so far we at Bitspark are excited to be bringing financial inclusion to the world via ZEPH!

Originally published at www.bitspark.io.



The Ledger

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