Respecting Women Shouldn’t Be Selective

It is not enough to respect your mother or your sister

Natasha Piggott
The Left Gazette


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

We live in an age where the endeavours of feminism have paid off to some extent. Women can vote, we have witnessed the U.S electing its first female Vice President. However, these victories do not in any way mean that the patriarchy has been toppled, there is a long road ahead that needs to be travelled to achieve true equality.

One of the issues that remain, is inherent misogyny that is covered under the myth of respect for women. Many men claim they believe in equal rights for men and women, they encourage their sisters or daughters to aim for high positioning careers, yet will still call actresses ugly and laugh at feminist activists. For some men, their claim of respecting women is extremely shallow and the respect becomes selective. Of course, this works both ways, women can also be selective in their respect for men too, however, for this article I am choosing to focus on a particular aspect of this issue.

There is a common theme in our culture, which shows that for many men, their mother or sister is the most precious person in the universe, they would do anything to protect that person. This deep level of respect for a specific woman close to a man does not automatically grant them the title of a feminist or believer in women’s…



Natasha Piggott
The Left Gazette

Cambridge master’s student, literature grad and a semi-amateur writer.