A Message to Unhappy Voters

Especially Minorities and Democrats

Robert W Ahrens
The Left Is Right
Published in
5 min readMay 20, 2024


Photo by Oliver Ragfelt on Unsplash

I get it, really I do.

The media is full of the stories of unhappiness — prices of food are up, gas is still bad in places, and the wages for the lower paid groups still suck. Supposedly, black voters in particular aren’t real happy with Biden, either. He isn’t doing enough for them, and they feel neglected.

A whole ton of folks are unhappy with Biden over the entire Israeli/Palestinian thing, and, well, dammit, I could go on. Some pretty influential people right here on Medium are unhappy with him over his handling of the Ukrainian thing, and how he should have moved quicker and supported them better.

But if you listen to the faithful, Biden walks on water compared at least to Trump, and, they say, better than a lot of past Presidents.

So, where’s the truth? What should the Democrats be saying to get people behind Biden?

A lot of you aren’t gonna be happy with this answer, but here ’tis anyway.

Forget the actual names, histories, and personalities behind both political Parties’ nominees (presumptive so far).

Pay no attention to the promises of the Democrats, and ignore the accusations/rantings of the Republicans. Neither of those mean diddly-squat.


Because in this election, THIS year, there’s only one thing at stake. Only one thing that truly and honestly matters moving forward into the future. But you have to start to ignore everything the media is saying.


The only thing that is truly at stake here is the future of American Democracy, and ultimately, democracy as a future of the world at large.

Ignore the fact that Trump is a failed businessman, or an ignorant moron who has cheated on every wife he’s ever had.

Pay no attention to the fact that Biden will easily hit 80 years of age before the end of his next term if he wins.

Ignore the accusations of the far right that Biden is a failing old man who can’t remember his own name.

Don’t worry over whether Trump is going to be convicted or not in all of his trials.

The two political parties could be running dead dogs as candidates, and it wouldn’t matter at all.

What truly matters is that if the Democrats win, we can count on a better future. Your vote will still count in 2026 and 2028.

If the Republicans win, even if they still allow you to vote (if you’re a white man), it won’t. Which means that nobody else will have a say either, in how the country works. Just the Rich White Men (RWM) who are now, today, buying themselves a political party.

IF YOU CARE about American democracy and that this country should continue to be the foremost democracy in the world and the example of what democracy should mean, then don’t you DARE stay home.

Go vote, and VOTE BLUE — vote for every Democrat on your local ballot.

Because THIS year, in THIS election, it doesn’t matter if you have been a lifelong Republican or a Democrat, or an Independent. If you value the counting of your vote and want politicians running this country in Washington (and your State and town) to listen to your opinions, THIS year, Vote Democrat.

Because if you allow the Republicans to win, your vote will never matter again, IF they even allow that farce to continue as they do in Russia.

I’m serious.

I just voted in the Oregon primary yesterday, as did my wife.

Author’s photo.

Unless I’m unconscious in a hospital ICU bed, or dead, I’m going to do that again in November, and when I do, I’ll vote straight Democratic Party.

And believe me, were I a Republican, I still would.

Look, as I noted above, whatever your personal preferences may be, right wing, left wing, religious, non-religious, NONE OF THAT MATTERS.

Because if the GOP is allowed to win, they WILL start enacting their Project 2025, and American Democracy WILL DIE. Your political preferences will no longer matter, because from that moment on, the Rich White Men (RWM) will be the only ones whose opinions count.

Please understand me.

Sure, I’m a Progressive. But I CARE about making sure that everyone in the United States who is a citizen has the opportunity to VOTE, and the government we are supposed to be the bosses of will listen to our concerns. Yours, mine, and that nasty neighbor next door, ALL OF US.

We used to have a system where we could work things out. Compromise, deal making, trade-offs. If you let us do this, then we’ll work out the details on your bill, right here, right now. <handshake>. Done.

It worked, not always smoothly, and not always graciously, but for two hundred or so years, it DID. Until it no longer did. We could argue and analyze this (and people will) for a hundred years as to why and how it all went south, but for right now, and right this election year, the only thing AT ALL that matters is making it work AGAIN — one more time.

THIS time, THIS year.

All it takes is for you, me and everyone else to just vote Democratic — because what’s at stake is in that name — Democracy.

If you minorities think Biden isn’t doing enough for you, just how much do you think the REPUBLICANS will do FOR you vs. AGAINST you starting next year? Wanna take that bet? Or is this enough to convince you to swallow your disappointment long enough to ensure our future?

OUR future. Yours, mine, our kids. Without democracy, it’ll suck, believe me. Just go back to the stories your grandparents and great-grand-parents told you. Trust me, it’ll be worse.

Just go vote.

Vote to decide whether American Democracy survives or dies.

It’s in YOUR hands. Make it count.



Robert W Ahrens
The Left Is Right

Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup. "Money is truthful. If a man speaks of his honor, make him pay cash."