A Prayer For Mike Johnson

Heartfelt and genuine

Randy Fredlund
The Left Is Right


Speaker of the House Mike Johnson photo altered for accuracy
Mike Johnson’s official photo slightly modified by the author.

Justin, Director of Faith Outreach for the National Republican Congressional Committee, sends the following:

Our new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, has placed returning God to America at the top of his agenda. Would you like to support Mike Johnson? Send him a prayer TODAY!

Speaker Johnson is fighting back against the Left’s program of secularization, but he can’t be in this fight alone. Can you take just a moment to send him a prayer?

Let us bow our heads and pray.

Dear God, please let Mike Johnson realize that his is not the only way to honor and worship you.

Help Mike Johnson realize that a smile and affability do not reduce the effects of hateful policies.

Show Mike Johnson that evidence of wrongdoing is necessary to overturn an election.

Please help Mike Johnson realize that being a constitutional lawyer does not mean convoluting common sense language to mean something the founding fathers never intended.

Help Mike Johnson to see that no religion of any kind should be ensconced in government.

Help Mike Johnson realize that incorporating into government one particular God, even that which he believes to be the “One True God,” leads only to division and oppression.

Let Mike Johnson know that there is no program of secularization by the Left, and that his church is losing followers due to the extreme and narrow policies he supports.

Help Mike Johnson understand that those unlike him must have the same protected rights he enjoys.

Show Mike Johnson that a true family need not be structured in the same manner as his own.

Open Mike Johnson’s heart to the notion that “Love is Love.”

Help Mike Johnson see that evidence-based decisions are superior to those based only on hope and a prayer.

Please inform Mike Johnson that while his reading of the Bible may inform his decisions, a book thousands of years old is not the only reference necessary to run a country.

Allow Mike Johnson to see that the health of the nation and the world may actually run contrary to the profits of his donors.

Allow Mike Johnson to help those of us trying to save the existing world rather than fatalistically engineer the “end of times.”

Show Mike Johnson that wind turbines do not cause “headaches, anxiety, depression, and cognitive dysfunction.”

Help Mike Johnson see that all Americans have human rights and that conversion “therapy” is a crime.

Please stop Mike Johnson from likening LGBTQ citizens to people who would engage in incest and bestiality.

Make Mike Johnson understand that fascists in America wrap themselves in the flag and carry a cross. And often, an AR-15.

Help Mike Johnson understand that he may be correct in stating that “now is not the time” to discuss gun control. We are well past that time.

Please help Mike Johnson open his heart and his eyes.

Please, please, please, Lord.




Randy Fredlund
The Left Is Right

I Write. Hopefully, you smile. Or maybe think a new thought. Striving to present words and pictures you can't ignore. Sometimes in complete sentences.