Amazing Biden Grace

How sweet the sound

Kevin King
The Left Is Right
Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2024



Say whatever you will about Joe Biden; he shows amazing grace and restraint. Here’s a functional President making positive progress for the country, improving America for citizens regardless of political affiliation. Meanwhile, his presumptive opponent in the 2024 presidential election has lost another $83.3 MILLION because that guy is a loudmouthed bully convicted rapist.

Suppose Joe had any of that other guy’s character. In that case, he’d be on the news making up some stupid nickname for Defendant One, rambling on in incoherent word salads about how terrible that guy is and how he’s destroying some fictionalized version of a “great” America. But thank goodness, that’s not Joe. While Defendant One walks the plank of many trials, Joe continues his silent but deadly conquest of actual ills facing American citizens.

But therein lies the problem. Every day, Defendant One finds a new way to keep his name in the minds of a woefully ill-informed voting public. Let’s be honest here: That guy is the poster child for Bad News. Indictments here, convictions there, lie, steal, cheat… To him, it’s just another day ending in “y.”

The mainstream media, however, knows that the more scandalous and salacious the story, the higher their profits. So, every day, Defendant One…



Kevin King
The Left Is Right

“The first step to achieving the impossible is to believe in its possibility.” I write short pieces to inform, inspire, and hopefully teach a fast-paced world.