Come on, people, wake up!

Robert W Ahrens
The Left Is Right
Published in
5 min readJul 12, 2024

If you want to prove the Right is wrong about being “woke”, then, by damn WAKE UP.

Photo by pariwat pannium on Unsplash

One. More. Time.

This Presidential race is NOT ABOUT THE CANDIDATES.

Not Trump.

Not Biden.

Both men could be confined in wheelchairs and encased in strait jackets to keep them from running off and creating havoc, hurting folks and themselves, and frankly, that wouldn’t matter.

I’d still vote for Biden.

Why? AGAIN, for the umpteenth time this week as I’ve commented on numerous (too damn many to count) other’s articles, this election is about democracy.

The Democrats are still supporting democracy, pluralism, equality before the law, widespread and legal voting, and the Constitution.

The Republicans are just about Authoritarianism, and making the next President (Trump or not, but certainly the next REPUBLICAN President) a dictator. The only proof of that you need is the recent SCOTUS ruling on Presidential Immunity. You need not even read the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 — although that’s eye opening all by itself.

As I’ve mentioned — again, too many times to count — Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by 2.9 million votes, and then in 2020 by over TWICE that number. And in the ensuing four years, has anyone noticed him doing or saying ANYTHING to actually try to gain voters?

I mean, really. Has he? Frankly, watch his rallies. The man does nothing but lie to his followers, telling them everything they WANT to hear, getting them all excited, and he encourages them to vote! At any point, does he actually try to modify his ideas or his speeches to try to get Independents to join him? Does he ever try to convince Democrats to vote for him?


Well, I’ve not seen anything like that, nor heard any media mention that either. So how in the hell could he be threatening the Democrats?

By the media, who has, before the debate, taken the other side and worked VERY hard to divide Democrats. THEY are doing Trump’s job FOR HIM. Because dividing the Democrats’ voters is the only way to allow Trump to win with the number of supporters he has.

Look there’s no way he’s got the same number of supporters he had in 2020. Haley herself told her supporters some negative things about Trump, and the press interviewed more than one who just told them they would NEVER vote for Trump, because they still believe what she told them. AND they mostly said they’d vote for Biden instead. Because Trump is nuts.

And then there are the Never-Trumpers, who’s numbers are growing and now have their own group!

That’s bleeding supporters away that he used to have. Had in 2020, in fact!

So, are ya gonna tell me he’s got any real chance without dividing the Democrats?

And, speaking of which, you should go read this site:,_2024

Now, they sure sound like it might be possible, but take a closer look. Georgia’s deadline has passed, and they’ve no rules for redoing it. Ohio’s have also, but they have supposedly fixed that.

But look at all the states who have deadlines within just two to three weeks! Some right up against the convention that’s supposed to nominate a candidate. Still think there’s gonna be time?

If you look very closely at the rules cited, almost NONE of them are about replacing a candidate AFTER one has already been nominated. The rules cited are about the initial candidate.

And as I’ve mentioned before, the Heritage Foundation has publicly stated that they’ll sue the shit out of the Democrats to stop any attempts by them to actually try that. Now, as someone else noted in comments I’ve made — it isn’t when the suit is filed, it’s when the COURT finally rules — Do you really have any confidence that Red State judges would be gracious enough to rule before the election?

Do you? Enough to stake our democracy on?

Look, As I’ve mentioned before, I’m NOT a Democrat, although I’m registered as one so I have some influence in elections. I’m a Progressive, so to say I’m a MAGA voter for Biden is bullshit. I am somewhat pleased that he did go along with a couple of Progressive ideas, and it wasn’t necessarily his fault that they didn’t pass. The bill they were included with — the whole thing failed.

But am I happy with his Israel/Gaza thing? No. I’ve always supported Israel against the terrorists and other Middle Eastern nations ruled by Muslims. In part because of the democracy thing, but also because of the Muslim religion’s captivity of all those people who deserve better.

But since Netanyahu’s far right government is using this “war” to remain in power when most Israelis want him gone? Nope, nopidy nope, I’m not in favor of supporting that war as it is being pursued by that far right government. And we shouldn’t be as a nation.

So, I’m not satisfied by that policy.

I’m heavily critical of Biden’s government (his AG actually), waiting THREE YEARS to indict Trump for those classified documents. Or for as long as they did to indict him for the January 6th insurrection.

And don’t even try to talk about the failure of ALL of our Federal agencies to see that the Russians have been sending Trump and all his cronies cash. Hey, remember that Russian agent — the pretty one? The one having that affair with that lucky Republican congressman? Who was funneling cash into the NRA? The one who got caught and prosecuted as an agent?

Yeah, THAT one. So, what ever happened to all that cash she gave the NRA, huh? Didja ever see the FBI investigate THAT? No?

Well, LaPierre, the NRA boss, got indicted for stealing NRA money for himself. But I don’t recall anything about RUSSIAN money, did you?

Why not?

Yes, I’ve got plenty of gripes and bitches about how the democrats have run things, and don’t always agree with their policies, and for DAMN sure don’t like how many of the leaders of that party are getting donations from some of the same Rich White Men who are donating to the GOP.

Trust me, I’m no major fan of the Democratic Party.


I DO know which side my bread is buttered on — the democratic side, because that Party is defending democracy.

And the Republicans are ATTACKING democracy.

And if you can’t see that, then by damn, wake up! If you call yourself “woke”, then by damn, GET WOKE!

Because if you refuse to, you’re just helping Trump win.

And if THAT happens, your vote won’t ever matter again, even if you’re a man.

Read this Article here for free.

