Enjoy Weimar America!

While you can

Randy Fredlund
The Left Is Right


Three Pseudo-Nazi flags with the letter “T”
Post-Weimar flag images by the author

In 1929, Adolf Hitler introduced the phrase “Weimar Republic” to describe the current weak German Republic beset by problems exacerbated by the worldwide depression. By 1933, the Nazis took full control of the country and the Republic was no more.

While the previous American president is not Hitler, and there is no current global depression, any student of history can’t help but notice the following.


Hate is on the rise in America. Attacks on Jews and manifestations of antisemitism in America are at an all-time high, particularly since the Hamas attack on Israel. The unofficial leader of those committing these acts never speaks out against them, which amounts to tacit approval. (Note that Hitler never mentioned Kristallnacht.)

FBI Director Christopher Wray warned Tuesday that antisemitism is reaching “historic levels” in the US.

“In fact, our statistics would indicate that for a group that represents only about 2.4% of the American public, they account for something like 60% of all religious-based hate crimes,” Wray said of the Jewish American community in a Senate hearing.


While there has been no Beer Hall Putsch in Washington, D. C., an ineffective attempt at an insurrection has already occurred. There is no need to elaborate upon that which all Americans saw with their own eyes.

A plan to subvert the Constitution

In plain sight via the internet, the former president and his minions have posted what amounts to a manifesto for the time when he returns to the presidency. Schedule F, Agenda 47, and Project 2025 combine to form a present-day Mein Kampf.

Schedule F

Tens of thousands of civil servants who serve in roles deemed to have some influence over policy would be reassigned as “Schedule F” employees. These employees would lose their employment and union protections upon re-assignment, making them functionally at-will employees and therefore far easier to fire.

If you don’t kiss the Don’s ring, you’re gone. And how long do you think it will take for the Don to require a portion of Schedule F employee’s pay to be contributed to an appropriate PAC or “charity”?

Agenda 47

The Agenda is a laundry list of new policies. Ensconced in a group of proposals difficult to argue against (end homelessness for veterans, produce essential medications in the US, address the rise of childhood illnesses, celebrate 1776) are several plans designed to throttle dissent, strengthen authoritarian rule, and reward corporate America.

A few Agenda 47 examples:

The American Academy — taxing, fining, and suing excessively large private university endowments, and we will then use that money to endow a new institution called the American Academy.

While there is room for competition with Education Inc., who decides which university endowments are “excessively large?” Additionally, the thought control aspects of these government-controlled educational institutions give one pause. Free thought is verboten. “. . . there will be no wokeness or jihadism allowed — none of that’s going to be allowed.”

America Must Have the #1 Lowest Cost Energy and Electricity on Earth — DRILL, BABY, DRILL.

Cloaked in the guise of jobs and competitiveness, the transition to clean energy will not only be stopped but also rolled back, climate change be damned. Do you think our national parks will be off-limits?

Rebuild America’s depleted military American First

“American First” in this context is code for isolationism. It is the plan to gift Ukraine to Putin. As for depletion, the military spending of the United States is currently 3x that of the next most spent (by China).

Ukraine-Russia — I’d be able to negotiate an end to this horrible and rapidly escalating war in 24 hours.

It is not hard to imagine that the negotiations would be in the manner the former president feels Abraham Lincoln should have done before the Civil War. But a “one-day end” is quite likely to be a true statement. Capitulation to Putin would not take long.

Build a state-of-the-art next-generation missile defense shield to defend America from missile attack. America must have an impenetrable dome to protect our people.

Is this channeling Ronald Reagan? It’s Star Wars all over again. Ask any engineer how feasible it is to create an impenetrable shield that has to work perfectly the first time.

Project 2025–The 2025 Presidential Transition Project

The Heritage Foundation characterizes itself as “a conservative think tank promoting public policy research and analysis based on free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.” These high-sounding ideals also manifest themselves as categorizing Black Lives Matter as a Marxist movement, denying climate change, baseless support of voter fraud claims, and opposition to transgender rights.

Organized by The Heritage Foundation, the 1,000-page Project 2025 is a blueprint for a right-wing fascist takeover of America.

The verbiage in Project 2025 seeks to justify Schedule F’s elimination of long-term federal civil service employees with the assertion that the public has lost faith in their political neutrality and effectiveness. Ironically, it goes on to specify how these job openings will be filled only by those loyal to conservative principles and the former president.

Project 2025 seeks to reinvent the federal workforce to be a loyal extension of the executive branch. Republicans are seeking to replace the core of our federal bureaucracy with like-minded, radical right-wing individuals eager to approve a presidential request at any moment’s notice.

In other words, the power of the president and the executive branch will be extended to every organization within the executive branch of the federal government without checks and balances. No government organization will be independent. Every previously independent organization within the federal government will be included in the fiefdom of the president and will unquestionably do his bidding.

Project 2025 is guided by the unitary executive theory, which holds that Congress cannot limit the power of the president over the executive branch. In short, the elected president is essentially a dictator without checks and balances, and every employee of the executive branch is at his beck and call. The will of the president is superior to that of the Congress, the Constitution, or that of the citizens.

It is likely that draft executive orders that would deploy the U.S. military domestically under the Insurrection Act of 1792 would be signed. While the plan stipulates the use of the act for using troops at the southern border, how long will it be before it is used to crack down on protestors in D.C.? Note that the previous president had an order drafted to use troops against protesters in Washington but did not sign it. In a second term, would the order go unsigned?

How ironic that an insurrectionist would use the Insurrection Act to consolidate his power.

Subscribing to its own propaganda regarding loss of faith in the Justice Department, Project 2025 seeks to transform the organization. Among many other things, it calls for the conduction of “an immediate, comprehensive review of all major active FBI investigations and activities and terminate any that are unlawful or contrary to the national interest.” Would it be any surprise if any investigations regarding the previous president were deemed to be contrary to the national interest?

The chilling details are all there

The chilling details are there for all Americans to read. Unfortunately, most Americans would prefer to be spoon-fed whatever information their selected talking heads provide.

No, our 45th president is not Hitler. If he was writing his manifesto from the prison cell he so richly deserves, HIS DIATRIBE WOULD BE IN ALL CAPS. As usual, he has others doing the dirty work for him.

Regardless of authorship, if the serial liar is re-elected and even a fraction of the fascist policies outlined in Schedule F, Agenda 47, and Project 2025 are implemented, the damage done to our republic will very likely be irreparable.

And the great experiment we call America will be over.



Randy Fredlund
The Left Is Right

I Write. Hopefully, you smile. Or maybe think a new thought. Striving to present words and pictures you can't ignore. Sometimes in complete sentences.