Feisty Joe Biden (FJB)

Republicans have already printed flags in his honor

Kevin King
The Left Is Right
Published in
4 min readMar 8, 2024


The State of the Union (SOTU) address from the President of the United States isn’t typically must-see-TV. But as an independent with a healthy fear of the damage planned by the current right-wing party, I started watching last night’s speech with some concerns. But once Joe was behind the podium, all fears were put to rest.

Joe f***ing rocked it.

First, I was impressed by how he repeatedly used “my predecessor” as a convincing and convicting pejorative. When Republicans jeered his quotes about the former guy, Joe was ready with “those are his words” and “that’s just the facts.” Nicely played, sir.

Joe’s message of inclusion of ALL Americans was a breath of fresh air compared to the speeches of the former guy. Whereas the former guy spouted narcissistic tropes like “only I can fix it” and “we’re going to have (insert topic) in two weeks”, Joe stood tall on accomplished tasks and practical ideas for the future.

To be fair, the Biden administration has accomplished a great deal in these first three years. Here’s a sample:



Kevin King
The Left Is Right

“The first step to achieving the impossible is to believe in its possibility.” I write short pieces to inform, inspire, and hopefully teach a fast-paced world.