Get To Know Your Local Sheriff

Don’t let next year’s elections sneak up on you

Sweet Honeylu
The Left Is Right


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Elections are drawing nigh

Now is the time to start to get to know who is running for local city sheriff. There is a fascist authoritarian group of sheriffs that have won dozens of elections nationwide called:

Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officer’s Association.

Basically, it’s Mom’s for Liberty fascism for the police force.

They are of the delusion they have no onus or responsibility to enforce the rules, laws, and regulations of the city, county, state or on the federal level. That means they believe they have the right to disregard and nullify any law that doesn’t fit their interpretation of the Constitution.

Sounds just like the Right Wing Evangelical Fundamentalist Christian Nationalist Theocratic Authoritarians that infest the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Your mind blown yet?

Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

Voter fraud

They are also of the delusion that there was massive voter fraud in the 2020 election even though all the Republicans on the same ballot all won their elections fair and square…. right?

Critical thinking isn’t really their strong suit which is why they are Republican fascists. All their thinking is done for them and it’s all in the same playbook that is given to them.

Listen to the words they use

They can’t help themselves when they get to talking and they tell on themselves. Take the time to listen to keywords like

  • Voter Fraud
  • Constitutional decisions
  • Woke and gender affirming mandates

If Republican isn’t enough of a red flag for you, listen to the buzzwords they use and act accordingly.

They always give themselves away.

Thank you for reading🌺

Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association — cspoa.org

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Sweet Honeylu
The Left Is Right

I love writing stories and scathing commentary on daily events. Snark is my love language. Will snark for food.