I thought I was tired of all this!

But…“We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless ― if the left allows it to be,” Kevin Roberts, president of the right-wing Heritage Foundation, said on Real America’s Voice.

Robert W Ahrens
The Left Is Right
7 min read2 days ago



The above quote is a direct threat to the American “left”. Even if, by looking at the Overton Window, there’s no real “American Left” at all. In reality, Roberts is threatening the citizens of this country who do not support Trump or the Conservative movement HE belongs to with violence if we don’t just sit back and take it.

So, right here, and right now, I’m going to ask the US Law Enforcement Community, from Merrick Garland on down why in the fucking HELL haven’t they started arresting these domestic terrorists yet?

At least a dozen members of Congress have supported Trump in his insurrection attempt in 2020, and continue to support him AND this Project 2025, which has a whole bunch of things in it which are, on their face, illegal to do, so again, why aren’t these people under intense investigation, and why haven’t they been arrested yet?

I thought threats of violence were the very definition of domestic terror, and as such, illegal. And yet, there they go, every damn day, spewing their continued threats against the American people AND our democracy!

How isn’t that defined as attempting to overthrow the US government? Overthrowing a government isn’t a one day, easy-peasy job, you know. It takes time, it takes coordination, it takes planning.

And ALL THESE PEOPLE have been doing that, IN PUBLIC, in the media, without shame, and they’re TELLING us that overthrowing American democracy IS THE GOAL.

So, please, explain to me, in as small words as possible so the most ignorant of us can understand, why the FUCK aren’t they in jail and under indictment alongside Trump? Why are these people allowed to parade around in plain sight in what is a comically and massively derisive illusion of what a political convention should actually be? All the while telling us that they’re gonna kill our democracy?

I…don’t get it.

It isn’t just Garland, it isn’t just Biden. It’s the entire Democratic Party that’s sitting back hiding in the political weeds, afraid of the slightest breeze of fresh air that might, maybe, perhaps help us find our way out of this fucking nightmare!!

Let Biden have one bad day, and they allow the right wing to divide us straight down the middle, fighting as if the real threat is inside our own party. Yet, the reality is, the real threat is outside of it, but they’re letting that threat close their eyes to reality. They’re bouncing around like suddenly blinded idiots, accusing each other of insanity, when the real insanity is what blinded them in the first place.

I’m going to apologize to Dylan Combellick right here and right now, because he was the first one to use the word “cowardice” in relation to the folks in power in Washington right now. I truly struggled with that, but as of today, after watching the Democrats allow themselves to have that scratchy wool get pulled over their eyes for the last two weeks, with no end on sight, I’m starting to smell it.

And it STINKS.

But — Imma gonna still say what I’ve said all along.

The solution to this is still clear — the true issue isn’t the candidates. The true issue is the PARTIES, and the goals they’ve set for themselves.

While the Republicans have clearly and obviously set themselves towards the goal of overturning our Constitution and establishing an authoritarian Theocracy, the Democrats have not — yet — abandoned their traditional support of democracy. At least not out loud and not yet obviously.

Although their abject failure to obey and follow through on their oaths of office to support and defend the Constitution, one might be excused to think that behind the scenes and under those weeds, they may have just forgotten tell anyone.

So, as another Medium writer just did today, I’m going to tell you that if the Democratic Party is going to sit on its hands and just let the right take over, it’s gonna be up to you and me to make it stop.

So, just besides writing to your Congresscritter or Biden, if you know ANYONE who is currently serving in the US military or law enforcement, write THEM!

Make sure they understand this danger and urge them to not allow themselves to be used by a Republican President or Administration to subvert our Constitution. REMIND them that the oath of office they took when they joined up was to the CONSTITUTION, and not to some demented President or Party. They ARE not and have NEVER been obligated to obey an ILLEGAL order, even if the said President promises a pardon for doing so!

If the military and law enforcement, including the DOJ, refuses to obey, Trump and company are going to fail.

Why? Because that much vaunted Project 2025 forgets one thing.

It takes the unfettered and WILLING cooperation of both the military and the law enforcement folks to actually carry out their plans.

And as a past government employee, I can tell you without reservation, that in order to accomplish ANYTHING a government attempts to do takes not only willing employees, but knowledgeable employees.

I know, I know, they intend to replace all those folks with loyalists.

But loyalty does NOT replace knowledge or talent. It for damn sure doesn’t replace Institutional knowledge. I don’t care if you are intending to change how an agency works, you’re still going to have to have people who can make it work the new way, and that takes past experience in operating a government agency.

Not a for profit agency, mind you, the two are not alike.

My point is, any “new” government is likely to fail, and in a country as big as this one, with as diverse a population as we have (forget the political divisions — those are artificially constrained by a system that only allows two parties), there will be more than enough upset and angry citizens that given enough time to screw it up, as Kevin Roberts noted, they’re gonna face a THIRD American Revolution, and THAT one isn’t going to go well for them!

Now, frankly, I don’t truly think we’ll face that, and the reason has nothing to do with the Democrats getting any damn courage between now and January 6, 2025. Or before.

It’s because I truly don’t think Trump & Co. has the numbers to win.

<sigh>. Again. ( I really should save this somewhere so I can copy and paste it — I’m getting tired of writing this from scratch each time)

In 2016, Trump lost the popular vote by 2.9 million votes.

In 2020, he lost the popular vote AGAIN by over twice that — SEVEN million votes!

Now, you tell me. Has he or his Party done ANYTHING that’s likely to win him any more voters? Any Democrats crossing over? Or maybe Independents? How about those very vocal Never-Trumpers? Or the equally vocal Haley voters whose delegates voted by almost 20% for her instead of Trump?

No? So, how in the hell is he ever gonna win?

He won’t, so he and his ilk will create chaos. Oh, don’t worry, none of it will be violent. Kevin Roberts is full of shit. The failure of Trump to protect his Oath Keeper buddies and those other dumbasses from their foolish insurrectionist crap isn’t going to ignite any faithful followers of those poor imprisoned leaders of theirs to try to join them in federal lockup. They may be dumb, but they ain’t stoopid. And unless the Heritage Foundation has promised any of them a bit of cash (or lawyers just in case), they’re not gonna be dumb again like their imprisoned bosses were. (and as notoriously chintzy as Republicans are, I highly doubt any cash has been promised!)

No, their “revolution” is going to be a legal hodgepodge of lawsuits and refusals of Secretaries of State in Red States to certify elections, in the hopes that they can prevent the January 6 certification of the Democratic winner of Nov 5th, so they hope Mike Johnson can take the Presidency and do what Trump had wanted to do. Heck, maybe they’ve even gotten stupid enough that if he does manage to get there, he’ll nominate Trump as his VP, and then once (he hopes) Congress accepts that, he’ll be dumb enough to resign and let Trump take the top spot.

Of course, what THAT ignores is that with over half the women in this country (and a significant percentage of Republican women) pissed at the GOP over Abortion and their threats against IVF and Contraception, plus a myriad of other cats they’ve let out of their secret bags, if they manage to win either house of Congress, I’d be amazed.

So, since Congress is seated before the January 6th, and with a Democratic VP, I’ll bet good money (if I had it) that the Speaker of the House that’ll have to step up if Congress can’t certify on J6 and there’s no declared winner on January 21st to take the Presidency, will be Hakeem Jeffries.

Surprise GOP! A SECOND non-white President!

But. (There’s always a “but”, ain’t there?)

If the Democrats don’t get off their asses and start having the Feds start arresting these folks for the very public crap they’ve been threatening, that aftermath is gonna be worse than it could be.

So, all I can say to end my angry screed is:

Democrats, GROW A PAIR! (and whether you want that to be balls or ovaries is your choice! Either one will do, though given recent events, ovaries might be the better choice!)

Thanks for reading, and sorrybutnotsorry for all the cussing.

