Immunity Idiocy

Ill-founded and illegitimate

Randy Fredlund
The Left Is Right


President Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon for any crimes he might have committed against the United States as president after he resigned from the presidency. What would have happened if Nixon had immunity to acts performed while president? Image from the National Archives.

Let’s mention the elephant. The one that never leaves. The one forever blathering on in the complicit media.

A deeply flawed human was elected to the presidency only a few short years ago. That such a man could ever be president and is in a position to become president once again is an indictment against the weak-minded citizenry of the USA, but that is another discussion.

The former president wants immunity, craves immunity, needs immunity. This man needs immunity due to a number of reprehensible acts committed while serving as president. Note that he understands the meaning of “serving” as president in the same fashion as one understands taking servings at a buffet table. “Why yes, I’d love another serving.”

Even the actions of Richard Nixon pale in regard to those of this man who has risen to the pinnacle of American politics on a tide of well-documented criminal acts. He is the only president who has any need for more than minimal clemency.

His lawyers make arguments for dismissing the case.

  • Presidential Immunity — He cannot be prosecuted for acts taken while executing his duties as president. Is it an official action to attempt to thwart the constitution and the peaceful transition of power?
  • Double Jeopardy — He was impeached, but not convicted, hence he cannot be tried again. It is quite difficult to see how the failure of a political body to convict provides a get-out-of-jail-free card. The current case is a separate and different proceeding from that failure in the legislative branch. Accepting this logic is equivalent to preventing those unable to get a conviction in a criminal prosecution from pursuing a civil proceeding for damages.

Nota Bene that there is no assertion of innocence. The defense attorneys seek only to have the case thrown out on the basis of technicalities unassociated with the actions of the former president.

In the standard and expected manner of the foul Floridian, he continues to attack the prosecutor and delay proceedings in the manner of all bad actors with means. Lash out and make every effort to push proceedings past a point of usefulness.

The bottom line

Carte blanche forgiveness of all acts committed by a president eliminates the incentive for any president to act responsibly and in the service of the citizens of the United States. A president can and will use his office to enrich his businesses, prosecute political foes, become the agent of foreign governments, and commit crimes for which no citizen should be pardoned.

Blanket immunity will allow a president to “stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody” and suffer no consequences.



Randy Fredlund
The Left Is Right

I Write. Hopefully, you smile. Or maybe think a new thought. Striving to present words and pictures you can't ignore. Sometimes in complete sentences.