Is the US Constitution Socialist?

Trigger warning: Read on.

Robert W Ahrens
The Left Is Right
2 min readOct 10, 2023


The Founders

Earlier this morning, I was looking through the notifications on FaceBook (can I say that word here?), and ran into a response from a woman about a comment I’d made about unemployment statistics and what they include, noting that what she’d said about “people unwilling to work” did not have anything to do with the low percentage of people unemployed. My comment was calm and matter of fact.

Her response was a screed of anti-wokism, telling me I was a hopeless socialist, etc.

After responding to her, I think, kindly, I later went back to explain something else to her. Read on, and I’ll explain to you as well.

Before I start, go back and take a look at the articles I’ve written about how I think our founders had used all that “all men are created equal” propaganda to gain supporters for the Revolution. Nothing I say here negates that, certainly not as the Constitution was written.

But really, Socialism, in four words, is right there, in the Preamble. Go look!

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Yes, there it is, the very most basic principle of socialism. Written over a hundred years before Marx. That’s all the people of the United States, pooling OUR resources together, to promote OUR welfare, together. Well, at least that’s what the words say, anyway, even if it was, then, propaganda. And yes, it’s taken us over two hundred forty years and we’re not really there yet. But we’ve made progress.

But for our mouth-breathing brethren, who tell us they worship the Constitution, there it is. In the very founding document of our government, a phrase telling us that that government exists to make our lives better, by pooling our collective resources towards doing that. So, they can stop fighting us, quit badmouthing Socialism, because every time they do that, they’re badmouthing the Preamble.

Disrespecting The Founders!

Oughta be ashamed of themselves, they should.

But I have faith. I know they won’t. That’s what happens when you’ve got yer eyes shut. When they’re glued, more to the point.

But there you have it. The perfect excuse to push Socialism as a solution to the country’s problems, right there, where it’s been for over two hundred forty years, right in front of our eyes. Because The Founders told us to!

