It’s Worse Than You Think

And, again, it’s NOT about Trump!

Robert W Ahrens
The Left Is Right
9 min readJul 6, 2024


Photo by Richard Sagredo on Unsplash

To begin, I wanna make this perfectly clear. I am NOT writing this as a Democrat, or as a Progressive. I’m writing this as a 42+ year veteran of Federal service, both Civil Service (FDA) and US Army. My dad served in WWII, and others further back in other wars, and I’ve established connections to at least one Scottish ancestor, Henry McEwen, who fought in the Revolutionary War (his dad, James, died in the French and Indian war in a British prison nearby). So federal service to this country in my family goes back hundreds of years, folks, quite separate and apart from political party connections during that time.

So, let’s be even more clear. This isn’t about Trump. It isn’t about Biden,

It’s about American democracy, which is clearly under threat.

All that said, understand that I WILL rag against the Republican party here. Why? Because it is a Republican Conservative majority on the Supreme Court of the United States that just — literally — killed our democracy. They cannot possibly point anywhere else to place that blame.

Now, Roberts tried — hard — to try and denigrate the affects of the ruling, telling us all kinds of things he says the POTUS can’t do as a result of this ruling. But he’s wrong, and I cannot say if that’s because he is deliberately misleading us or just doesn’t truly understand the implications of what they did.

He goes into a long drawn out explanation of the three levels of how the President’s actions can be divided — core powers, borderline powers, and private actions. He further explains how each of those work under his ideal of “immunity”. Bottom line is, he says only the “private actions” aren’t immune. The middle of the road stuff maybe, maybe not, but he gives you no access to the evidence to actually manage that! Funny how that works, huh? OK, after the chuckle, let’s move on, shall we?

No, the reality is, this ruling really and truly gives the POTUS true and complete immunity.


Well, who’s gonna prosecute him? Santa Claus? Because the American federal justice system is COMPLETELY UNDER THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH. There is NO separate Department of Justice responsible for investigating or prosecuting federal officials who break the law, whether it be signed law passed by Congress or constitutional law from that document itself. So, despite the “tradition” of POTUS not interfering with DOJ processes or who the FBI might investigate also being off limits in the past, Project 2025 intends to change that, and in fact, it truly doesn’t NEED to. Because Trump already did that. And don’t forget that he said specifically that any communications between POTUS and the DOJ is completely off limits to the DOJ’s OWN prosecutors!

But hey, that’s just the paint on the outside of this pig. Let’s get to the meat of it.

Oh, and forget that “kill my political opponents” thing. As alarming as it sounds, that truly isn’t the basic issue here.

Look at it this way. If the POTUS is immune from prosecution for ANY violation of law while using his core powers, wouldn’t that include the highest level of US law — the Constitution? I mean, hey, he already violated two of the provisions of THAT the last time he was in office by taking emoluments from foreign governments and making the US Government pay him who knows how many millions for the Secret Service to stay at the hotels he stayed at during his little golfing outings. The only attempt to stop him from that was a PRIVATE lawsuit by two Democratic members of Congress, and he delayed that until he was out of office, so it went moot!

So, what’s to stop him from doing more?

Like, say, firing 50k federal workers and replacing them with his loyal followers. Or, even worse, firing all the employees of the EPA and just eliminating that Agency. Normally, that’d take an act of Congress wouldn’t it? But no, now he cannot be prosecuted for violating the Constitution either, so how are you going to stop him? After all, managing the Executive Branch is a core function, so he’s immune, remember?

So, basically, the POTUS IS a king. He can hire and fire, restructure and eliminate entire Departments and there’s nothing anyone, even SCOTUS, can do to stop him. And if someone tries? Dead. They’re just a threat to National Security, right? So, core function.

SCOTUS and Congress are now, from a practical standpoint, roadkill. The only reason they still exist after Monday is the forbearance of Joe Biden when he stepped in front of the cameras at Buckingha…oh, sorry…the White House… on Monday and quoted Justice Sotomayor: “I dissent”.

Because if Joe Biden was as low down and dishonest as the Republican Party right now, he could very well just declare those other two “branches” of government to be disbanded and then could just go on to formulate the government the way he wanted to. Then, hand that government over to his son, Hunter. And Trump & Co. would be well and truly screwed.

Wouldn’t THAT twist a few heads on the “other side” of that then nonexistent isle?

So, look at this as the worst possible case. Killing one’s opponents IS bad, don’t get me wrong, but that pales next to what COULD be done and what the results of THAT would be. Trump, himself, is certainly a messed up individual — but he’s just one man, and an incompetent one at that. Just wait until he gets into office and to nobody’s surprise, has that inevitable heart attack — while eating a Big Mac, of course. The person taking his place is NOT going to be that incompetent!

Need I go on?

This message sounds certainly like something a Democrat may have written, I agree. But please, I understand how my right wing friends (and extended family) feel. I’m just telling it like it is — the democrats didn't do this — the right wingers in SCOTUS did. And frankly, given that EVERY SINGLE Conservative on that court pledged to Congress in their nomination hearings that they’d adhere to “settled law” and not overturn Roe Vs. Wade — and obviously lied as they said it, can you blame me for being angry? Especially now that they’ve handed down a decision that CLEARLY gives the President something that our Founders would NEVER have allowed? We fought a war — Henry McEwen fought that war — for the precise reason to NOT LET THAT HAPPEN HERE.

So, are any of us going to sit back and let those people who are showing themselves to actually BE traitors be successful? Take a look for one moment.

Project 2025, which outlines much of this in a detailed 900+ page document, though not done under the auspices of this SCOTUS decision, so it doesn’t go this far (but still outlines some things that are actually illegal without Congress’ approval), is something that’s been worked on since its release in 2022. The group which authored it is the Heritage Foundation, a group founded and funded by the Koch Brothers! Not exactly left wing material, hey?

I know, I know, they're right wing heroes, right? They’re also Rich White Men. You can, if you wish, discount that “White Men” part if you’re conservative, but understand what that “Rich” part means.

They aren’t doing this for YOU, because the chances are damn good that any right wingers reading this aren’t a part of that cadre of wealthy people. They’re doing it for THEMSELVES. And you ain’t rich, so go back to the end of the line, you do NOT count.

After taking a gander at that, are you still excited about what they’re doing?

Ok, then, explain this.

I’m going to make some assumptions.

You’re married, in your twenties, raised in the Deep South, religious and yet, somehow, you missed out on college (parents couldn’t afford it), so your job prospects aren’t the best. Your income is low and you struggle to meet the bills.

How are you going to handle it when your wife gets pregnant? Oh, she’s on birth control? Great! However, if the GOP has their way, not for long. So, pregnant. Can’t afford it? Sorry, you know abortion is already illegal, and if the GOP gets their way, it will be EVERYWHERE in the US. Not just in your state. So forget about sliding over the border into that nice blue state next door for that little bennie.

OK then, fast forward a year. Your first kid (you know, the one breaking the bank?) is now three months old, and what do ya know, your wifie gets a positive reading on that NEXT pregnancy test! You’ve already figured out that abortion isn’t a path you can take, so you’ve got two choices — have that new baby, or let her get an illegal abortion.

That leaves you with three possibilities — she does that and it works. Yay!

Second, it doesn’t and she dies. YOU are now the proud lone parent to that three month old baby.

Third, she gets caught and she goes to jail. Now, again, YOU are now the proud lone parent to that three month old baby. Until she gets out that is. Of course, since the GOP has disallowed divorce also, she’ll still be your slav… I mean your wife, so she can go back to helping to raise that kid. But don’t count on her getting a job — she’s a felon, remember?

As for you? Yes, you had a great job, as say an electrician for a nearby factory. But, then the GOP outlawed your labor union, and your employer cut your pay and killed your health care benefits as being too expensive.

Now, since you were both horny after so many years apart — or at least you were — she’s pregnant again.

Do I really need to go on? This may not be YOU, but it WILL be the lot of many of our fellow Americans — hell it’s damn near that now for a lot of us.

Is this the country you want to live in? A country run by the rich, for the rich, and damn the rest of us? Because, trust me, those wealthy Koch brothers don’t give a rat’s ass for you, or me, or anyone not as rich as they are. You don’t think they’re trying to get rid of labor unions just for the fun of it, do you? It’s because they cost the corporations money, and that’s less money that goes into THEIR pockets. And the more that goes in theirs is less that can get into yours.

Look, I just want everyone who’s a citizen of this country to have a happy, healthy life. I want this to be the country I grew up in — or the one I thought I grew up in — the one that protected us and nurtured us and that helped the world become a better place.

Unfortunately, I found that it isn’t like that and never was. And now, the Rich White Men (RWM) are trying to drag us back two hundred years into a dark past where so many of us (even whites) were poor and with no say over how our government worked. One in which you could be forced into servitude over your debts. Wouldn’t THAT be fun?

They’ve already made it into a country that gets us into wars that, while they claim they’re against anti-democratic forces (and often are), their real incentive to do that is to take over control of that other place for their own economic benefit. Like, for instance Iraq. Who got the bennies there? The oil companies. Like the companies run by folks like Bush II’s VP Cheney. Funny how that worked, huh?

Do you want that to continue? To sink into a dystopian future where only the rich have all the good stuff and the rest of us struggle like they did in the Middle Ages? Where everyone was forced to worship one way, regardless of what they actually believed?

Because without our Constitution, that’s what’s gonna happen. Without that document to govern HOW things work, things’ll work however the politicians WANT them to work, and they ain’t gonna ask you for your opinions.

So, for once in the life of this country, the continued ability of this country to remain under the protection of a two hundred forty year old document designed to make us FREE is threatened by one of the two political parties that were meant to work together in making it work. I beg of you, if you’re a Republican who truly cares about the continued freedom we’ve always lived under, join us on the center and the left (trust me — the Democrats are NOT leftists) in voting just this once, for Joe Biden and the Democrats who can have the power to stop this, if only we give them the numbers to stop this travesty. Once that’s done, and the danger is past, we can work together to ensure this’ll never happen again — after which we can go back to how we USED to do business, however messily we managed.

But to do that, Americans have to work together. We have to stop the real actual steal — not of an election, but of our COUNTRY.

Please. Let’s work together. Prove your patriotism. And no, that’s never easy, ask those guys buried in the picture above — or maybe their families if you truly want an answer. But if we stand together, we CAN get past this.

But we cannot allow ourselves to be divided — regardless of the Party we usually vote for.

Thanks for reading.

