Looking Forward?

I’ve criticized the Democrats for not doing this…

Robert W Ahrens
The Left Is Right
4 min readMar 11, 2024


Photo by Giulia May on Unsplash

So maybe it’s time I took a page out of my own playbook and tried to be the better person. Notice the pointing finger above? Yeah, and the three fingers pointing back at ME? Yeah, lemme fix that.

I’ve tried to be consistently positive about this election, and how I believe that there’s no way Trump can win the popular vote, and therefor the EC cannot be in jeopardy either. However, there’s one more path to winning the Presidency, and if you think Trump and his cahoots don’t have their eyes on that, boy, do you have another think or two coming!

The plus side for them is that it’s clearly Constitutional, and they have a decided advantage in it. The path is through the House of Representatives. According to the Constitution, should neither candidate obtain the 270 EC votes to win, the choice is thrown into the House. And, surprise, surprise, the GOP has the advantage by controlling more state groups of Representatives than the Democrats. You see, they don’t cast “individual” votes — each State’s Representatives vote internally for the candidate they prefer, and the winner of that internal election gets the vote of that entire state!

So, yes, Trump could throw the national election into chaos, and if enough individual States don’t manage to certify their votes to Congress, denying either Trump or Biden that magical 270 number, guess who is more likely to win? Now, please, don’t panic yet, and let me explain.

As I noted above, one of my pet peeves about the Democratic Party for literally decades is that they’ve got little skill or apparent interest in looking into the future. It was obvious even to me, a stalwart Republican at the time, when Gingrich started with that “Contract with America” BS, that the game was changing in a basic kind of way. But did the Democrats pick up on that? Did they even try to counter it or anything the GOP did after that?

No. They just kept on keeping on, didn’t change their playbook, and never seemed to realize what was different. We can see the results today.

This time, we can’t afford that. We haven’t the luxury of time, for one thing, and second, our entire democracy stands to lose. Now, I’m not going to claim to be a “good guy”, and I am certainly in favor of secret backroom plotting to foil one’s adversary. On the other hand, I get it — if we’re gonna be a democracy, we have to play by the rules.

But if one’s adversary doesn’t want to play by those rules, and intends to dump those rules in the historical trash can at the first opportunity, well, you can’t afford to screw it up!

So, not being a political expert, and certainly not a Constitutional Lawyer, I’ve got to appeal to those who are. So, let’s start a conversation. Not just here, but in a wider sense. Start talking about this, because while everyone else is looking to see what shenanigans Trump may be up to like J6, it’s just like him (or the GOP) to pull the rug out from under us and do something perfectly legal!

The Democratic Party must start now (if they haven’t already) talking about how the States can stop this from ever taking place — and that’s where the lawyers come in. While people like you or me won’t get listened to, if lawyers start talking this up, they’re more likely to get some attention.

So, to begin with, take a look around at what the GOP seems to be doing on a local and State-wide basis in the country at large. It’s been in the news haphazardly, occasionally, yet, nobody in the media has latched onto this yet as a possible issue. That’s how I picked up on it, but until it gets wider attention, unless Biden & Co. is more in tune with this than it seems, we’re likely to get blindsided after the election.

And it’s after the election when they’ll act, and in fact, in places, they’re likely acting already!

So Biden & Co. needs to get planning now, and the rest of us need to be aware of what’s likely and how it can be prevented.

So, if you’re knowledgeable and have some influence, start talking this up. And if you can, start here by either commenting on my article (please?) or do your own article outlining what you think the GOP is doing and how the Dems can stop it.

Because we need to plan now, and not have to react later, when it’s too late.

Plans have to be in place, people, and the Democrats SUCK at making plans…but we can change that, right?


