Mr. Trump Has a Job Interview
Would you hire him?
“Mr. T, welcome back. I see you are applying for the office of president for the United States. We hired you, what was it, eight years ago? And you were fired as I recall. In fact, 81,284,666 people fired your sorry ass,” I said.
“I want back in,” Trump says.
“The expression goes. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Well, you certainly made a spectacle of yourself on the way out refusing to leave office, having your cronies bring their guns to force you to be reinstated into the job,” I said.
“You were asked to have them stand down and all you did was throw your plate against the wall. There was ketchup everywhere — in the sacred White House. And chocolate cake.”
“But I did win, by a lot. Everyone knows it. It was stolen by the evil Democrats,” Trump says.
“And then we had to listen to you for months whine, complain and smash your sour grapes all over the fucking floor. Why do you want to return to the White House, Mr. T.?”
“Because my dad never loved me and I need the adoration of the masses.”
“Hmmm…sounds a little Hitler-esque. Let’s talk about your time doing this job. You hated…