November ’24 is Not an Election

It is a critical point in a war

Rob Vanwey of The Evidence Files
The Left Is Right
7 min readJun 28, 2024


Bright sunshine over a lush meadow on the left; a stormy, menacing night on the right.
The choice is ours — light or darkness. (pic created by author w/ help from AI)

One of three things will happen in November: 1) the Second American Civil War will persist in this mostly legalized conflict with occasional violent skirmishes it so far has been; 2) it will devolve into unbridled savagery some want it to become; or 3) it will result in an electoral landslide handing power to those (hopefully) prepared to fully root out the cancerous tumors infecting the country. Whether we care to admit it or not, the United States is indeed in the midst of a civil war, a fight against rebels set on burning the nation to the ground and rebuilding it in their own vile image. Its ‘shot heard round the world’ occurred on January 6, 2021, and the events leading up to that day and those that followed can lead one to no other reasonable conclusion.

Donald Trump is a mere standard bearer for one of the two primary factions, emplaced by far smarter people than he. The infantry troops for his side know necessarily little about civics, law, or reality in general. The few that do care nothing for any of them. Making a mentally challenged, morally deviant sitcom clown the face of this movement simply comports with the character of those repugnant enough to join it.

In the Capitol, one will find the officers. These are lawmakers who adorn themselves in the party uniform, tailored in the frumpish fashion of their dear leader. They utilize their power to twist the legislative branch into a propaganda machine. In front of cameras, they flatulate rhetorical pomp to their followers, but after the filming stops they legislatively eviscerate them. They engage in farcical hearings to smear the head of the opposition and they employ a litany of lies to besmirch any acts proposed by their colleagues meant to help the people, since they are incapable of producing any worthwhile bills of their own. Much of the content behind their public displays does not illustrate artistic creativity; they draw from their own corrupt actions as their muse.

Meanwhile, robed courtiers — jesters held over from the fallen king’s court — play-act at adjudication, sitting on elevated pedestals pretending to hear opposing arguments like a decision really remains to be made. Ruling as if the law sits suspended in amber, dating from the days of the High Court of Chancery, they dress up racism and misogyny in the trappings of originalism and textualism, Giacomo’s imagined philosophies. Like their red-tied conspirators — America’s Tokyo Roses — they exist to be traitors.

The generals of this rebellious army—the so-called foundations or societies — engage in judicial abuse to enact their deviousness, filing specious cases in venues of depravity friendly only to them, knowing ideological decisions deprived of lawfulness will nonetheless be upheld by the highest court’s harlequins. To be sure of the result, they purchase the subservience of these judicial Worm Tongues by doling out lavish trips or buying property at vastly inflated prices, all to set the conditions they will impose upon their slaves of graft. Their Supreme chattel happily take these bribes because they’ve defanged the laws prohibiting such conduct and continue to do so. The goal is to undermine whatever institutional vestiges remain that threaten their purpose. And at all costs, they defend the tyrant-in-chief through legal sophistry or outright contempt.

All these fiends, led by their demented Orange Mammon, salivate over the moment in November when they expect to rise victorious from the ashes of the coming months of deception and terrorism posturing as a routine electoral process. As they did in 2020, they will cheat however they can, throwing dumb local sycophants under the bus should they fail. Another massive insertion of lies will impregnate the people, then spread like COVID across a red state. Certain ‘news’ channels, their dictatorial chums, and the coddled criminal buffoons — the faux futurists — will leverage social media platforms to inject these opiates directly into the veins of the masses. Constantly chasing the dragon of self-aggrandizement on these nefarious apps, and thus unable to part with them, the public will willingly swallow whole this onslaught of fraud.

Under the guise of the hand of god, not John’s God but a mere spaghetti monster of utility, they will hoodwink the masses with another round of destructive proselytizing. From sacred texts they will distort the verses, adding language here and subtracting it there. The foolish or ignorant who worship at this tortured altar will pointlessly pray for relief from their various maladies while unwittingly voting against the salves that heal them. Perhaps just enough people will inevitably succumb to this trickery when pulling the lever.

Hiding behind the very freedom this demonic cult intends to destroy, its hooded members publish manuals on how to overthrow the system, contemporary versions of the Anarchist’s Cookbook of the ‘70s. Americans bristle in rage at even the slightest affront to their right to speech — unless it involves banning books glorifying those grooming gays or troublesome minorities — so these insurgents knowingly operate with impunity. And they do not stop at simply typing words. No. In conspiring to execute the plan, they are actively recruiting malcontents to serve in their New Confederacy, unconcerned about the consequences of their sedition; after all, recent history suggests there will be none.

Even supposing the side of the light prevails over this nightmarish assault on the fabric of society itself, the war will not end. The conspirators and their forefathers have expended a great deal of blood and treasure to establish their next Reich. A single defeat requires only staying the course because unless it is an absolute electoral rout, many of their pawns will remain strategically placed. If they hold just slight minorities in either house, they will need only alter their deceitful message a bit while ramping up their next set of attacks with the ongoing help of the Gilded class. Their robed menaces will continue to pave the way from a hopelessly stained bench, upholding any and all malice no matter how unconstitutional, and destroying any grievance against the mission no matter how legally justified or morally correct the complaint.

Victory for this mutinous lot, however, will be what Sulla was to Athens. The project of 2025 will be one of stochastic terrorism escalating to full-scale familicide, as the federal government humiliates itself like post-Soviet kleptocracies tend to do. Generations accustomed to some semblance of protected rights will mourn their erosion. The others will suffer first, those not pretending hard enough to be Christian, straight, or white, but jackboots invariably cannibalize their own. Eventually, exhausting and bloody resistance will be the manifest necessity of the day. After all, stupidity and devilry do not make lasting governance. These wannabe-fascists would know that were they willing or able to read a history book. Like their vaunted progenitors across the pond, they may never learn those lessons without their own Nuremberg moment. But it will take years of misery and suffering to arrive there.


Do not walk away from this treatise forlorn of hope, for that is the currency by which insurrectionists prosper. The United States need not devolve into its own decades-long disunited Troubles. It need not take to its abundance of arms to euthanize the toxic doctrines of this perverse band of ne’er-do-wells who cannot imagine success driven by effort and progress that benefits all.

But it does require a massacre… of the non-violent kind.

At the polls in November, this cadre of cretins must suffer defeat so devastatingly, so disastrously, that not only do they lose any shred of power, they lose the ability to show their putrid faces in social circles at all. They have earned themselves not just political exile, but civil and social expulsion. While they appear incapable of shame, they know scorn all too well, for they eternally brim with it. Let them face the wrath of a community victimized by their hatred and theft; let them wither beneath an oppression of their own making, one that relegates them to the fetid dirt beneath obscure rocks where no respectable person will look upon them again.

Only then can we turn the power of the people upon the vermin that linger behind. We can heal the high court through historic impeachments and removals, purging the disease that sickens that once respected body. The insects in the circuits below might scurry away on one pretense or another to avoid the same fates. Those that don’t will be trapped and removed — a nationwide fumigation. The last of the Red Hats will be but vestigial organs, completely ignored unless they inflame enough to warrant their excising.

This is the choice in November. There must be a complete obliteration of the Imbecile Rebellion. Otherwise, this cold war will continue. Or worse, the brigade of boobs will win, inaugurating the destruction of our shining city on the hill, much to the delight of the bone-saw bosses around the globe.

Robert Vanwey was Senior Technical Analyst for the New York State Division of Criminal Justice, who specialized in investigating public corruption, and technology and financial crime. He also has a Juris Doctor and Master degree in history.

Just Say We Won is his detailed narrative of Trump’s attempted soft coup to overthrow the United States of America. According to Trump, Any President can do Anything, Including Kill You, is a careful analysis of Trump’s case before the Supreme Court, in which he begs them to save him from the consequences of his devilry.

If you like Rob’s work, check out the Evidence Files Substack for an exploration into technology, science, aviation, and the Himalayas, where he frequently lives and works.



Rob Vanwey of The Evidence Files
The Left Is Right

I joined Medium to write on politics and law, but sometimes they are just boring or frustrating. So sometimes, you get other stuff.