Red States in a Quandary; Gay Fetuses!

The Onyx Phoenix.
The Left Is Right
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2024

Should they revoke their bans?

Photo by Tristan B. on Unsplash

Well, we all know there are two things the evangelicals hate!. “Murdering babies” and the gay folks. You know, those disgusting sodomite perverts who love to put on lipstick and seduce their innocent children!

They also hate the women who deliberately open their legs to anyone who walks by, neglecting to use birth control, carry the fetus for eight months, then suddenly decide to abort, and the fetus is torn limb from limb as the doctor laughs, and the patient snorts cocaine off of a nurse’s leg.

Even better, rumor says Nancy Pelosi wants to use social security to fund a special account. This account will provide money for a clinic where women can give birth to live babies, then watch them die after birth, wailing in agony, as the mothers laugh and go outside for a smoke.

Alabama is so bent out of shape over murdering babies they are even preventing IVF, a major help for infertile couples. Since eggs are now children, I went to the store and bought a dozen, placed them in my passenger seat, and happily drove home in the HOV lane. Somehow the cops did not agree.

So say my evangelical in-laws.

But I present them with a conundrum. What if the fetus is gay? What if that bundle of cells presumed to be “life” is one of those disgusting, fudge packing pervs they hate so much? Is that life still precious? After all, they do want our gay youth to despair.

Let’s petition the courts! My 14 week old fetus is a muff diver! This is against my strongly held religious beliefs! I can not have this infant! I can not birth a LGBTQIA+ baby. I can’t. It is my strongly held religious belief that all Gays should die by stoning. I need this infant to die by stoning, as Leviticus 20:13 commands! Of course, that goes against my strongly held religious belief that abortion is wrong, but alas, I can not find a babble verse, oops, I meant to type bible verse to support that statement.

Would Alabama, Florida and Texas reverse abortion bans if thousands of women petitioned the courts to abort because the fetuses are gay. Probably not, but the thought makes me giggle.

Namaste, fellow LGBTQIA+ community members. Stay strong.

Thank you for stopping by my little corner of the internet. Please consider buying me a “coffee” . It helps me with my mission right now teaching English as a volunteer in Honduras. Thank you and have an amazing day.



The Onyx Phoenix.
The Left Is Right

The Onyx Phoenix is an adopted human who survived abuse and has become an adoption activist. Like a Phoenix, I rose from the ashes of adoption, and survived