Republicans, are you REALLY prepared for Project 2025?

I mean, are you actually wealthy?

Robert W Ahrens
The Left Is Right
6 min read6 days ago


Yes, that’s one of my carvings. Its relevance will become obvious later!

So, today, let’s talk to our Republican brethren in our lovely country. And let’s talk Project 2025.

Now, at 900 plus pages, that’s a ton of talking, so to limit this to something reasonable, let’s talk about just two elements of it.

That document says that upon taking power, the Republican Party — if it goes along with Project 2025, which I understand they’ve already said they would (Trump’s denials notwithstanding), but I would also mention the recent SCOTUS Immunity ruling.

Why? Because Trump promised to be a dictator on day one, and that ruling grants him complete immunity for anything he might do. Complete immunity, make no bones about it, that means he can do anything from assassinate Democrats to reorganizing the entire Executive Branch, right down to eliminating both Congress and the SCOTUS.

But that’s another article.

But let’s go with these two items.

Project 2025 promises to eliminate Social Security AND Medicare. Completely.

Personally, my wife and I would have to tighten our belts. A good 25% of our monthly income comes from Social Security. So we won’t be immediately affected. Not right away, anyway, but more to that later.

So, what’s that going to do to the American people and the economy we live in?

Well, the Social Security Administration says over 70 million Americans depend on SS bennies. That’s Twenty percent of the American public. So, what happens when those bennies go away?

Most of those are over 62 and receive monthly checks. Some, like my wife and I, see that as a supplement to our major sources of income, but a large percentage of those depend on that as either a major part of their income or all of it.

What happens when that…goes away?

For the people in nursing homes where that is their only source of income to pay for that care?

Or those for whom that pays for their rented apartment? Or meets their food and bills if they own their own home?

Do all those folks get tossed out? What do those nursing homes do for income after those formerly paying customers aren’t paying anymore?

But more to the point, WHERE DO THEY GO?

Trust me, not a single town or city in the country is prepared for an influx of as many as even ten percent of their population suddenly on the streets, much less almost 20%!

And given the advanced age of many of them, how many will survive that experience for very long? How long before you start seeing dead old folk on your streets?

Are you ready for that?

And we haven’t even mentioned the death of Medicare, on which most of those old folks ALSO depend.

If they can’t afford to pay rent, what makes you think they’ll be able to pay for medical insurance? Or even the most basic of care?

Trust me, they won’t.

Are you ready for 20% of the public to no longer having the cash to keep up their part of supporting our economy? All those apartment complexes suddenly without a significant percentage of their income? Does Project 2025 mention Section 8, which pays for a lot of poor folks’ apartment rental?

Or again, those nursing homes?

And the jobs lost as those places go out of business.

Ok, while you’re thinking about that economic disaster, let’s talk Medicare.

All those folks losing their Social Security bennies? They’re gonna lose Medicare, too.

That pays for 80% of your medical costs. (Thanks, Reagan, for making us pay more.)

But after Project 2025 takes affect, that goes away. So all those old folk on the streets have no medical care, either! Nor do a lot of disadvantaged and disabled people who also depend on both of these programs.

What’ll they do? What will your city or town or county do when all those folks are suddenly dumped on your streets? Especially if you’re in a community where they’ve made it illegal to sleep in public? Many cities’ homeless facilities are already overloaded, so there’s no extra capacity.

Do you REALLY want to live in a community with those kinds of issues? One that ignores its old folk? What if some of those are YOUR parents or grandparents? Or aunts and uncles? Got room for them in your house? Or the income to support them? What about their suddenly unpaid medical expenses? Got the cash for that? The doctors and hospitals are surely gonna make YOU pay! Trust me on that, if they live with you, you pay. And they’ll garnish your wages to get it.

Ready for that? Do you really want to live in a society that does that to its old folk? Trust me, you’re gonna get there one day. Are you ready for THAT?

Because if you’re not, your doctor is gonna look like that little guy in that picture above.

But look, there’s another thing about all that. You do realize that we live in an age of “for profit” prisons, right?

And what’s the major movement in the Conservative States about homelessness? Making being homeless basically illegal. So, where do all those old folks go after being tossed out of their rentals?

Out into the streets, where the State picks them up and tosses them into prison, where your taxes pay those owning corporations MORE of YOUR money.

How’s that for a real nice piece of pie — for the Rich White Males who are funding this whole thing — the Heritage Foundation IS a Koch brothers’ funded group, after all, you know.

So, now, Medicare. Gone, baby. Got insurance? Betcher ass those rates are gonna go up. What? Do you truly think these guys are gonna let Capitalism rule their Authoritarian Paradise? Ha! Funny ain’t it?

But it ain’t funny. The American medical “system”, such as it is, is a rich man’s dream come true. The insurance companies soak us for all they can get and then negotiate lower prices (which are already sky high anyway) from the doctors and hospitals, and at the end of each quarter, the wealthy CEOs and directors get their bonuses and their million dollar salaries, and they all go home happy.

But you don’t. Because you’re a wage slave.

Oh, wait, I didn’t mention THAT? Sorry.

In case you didn’t hear, Project 2025 has an addendum, or maybe just some unpublished chapters. Doesn’t matter which, because you have to be a VETTED MEMBER to see THOSE pages. Hmm, gotta wonder, huh?

Exactly who are they hiding those from? Me? Don’t make me laugh, I’m never gonna vote Republican, so they’ve no reason to fear what I may see. It wouldn’t change MY vote.

But if YOU saw it? It just might make you sit back and wonder. Of course, it’s a secret, so anything I say here is pure speculation, and trust me, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were intending to bring back slavery.

But stop and think for a moment. What if that’s just one of the secrets they’re hiding? There’s a number of blacks who are signaling opposition to Biden. What if that was one and THAT got out? Do ya think any blacks would then vote Red? Maybe guys like Thomas would, but then he’s gonna get tossed out like yesterday’s garbage anyway once they take over. What need will they have of a SCOTUS after that? None, frankly.

And even if that’s not there, what exactly would they need to keep the public from seeing? Things that go even further than the public part. If it’s not that bad, there would be no reason to hide it would there?

Look, I’m not gonna sugar coat this. Project 2025 is BAD, and this is only TWO items on a very long list of things in our Federal system they want to eliminate.

And just these two things ALONE will be devastating to our economy. Just these two. Imagine what it’ll do when they fire most of the Feds? That’s a damn lot of people, and trust me, not all Democrats are opposed to owning guns.

Once the economy gets bad, and it will, do ya think the Conservative poor will sit back and forgive and forget just because the top guy was a Republican? Not if they can’t vote, and not if their grandparents get tossed out into the street and die. Or if they get tossed out due to the loss of their Social Security. I think a lot more of them in Red States are dependent on government assistance now. What will they do when it STOPS?

Will they forgive and forget just because the Republicans did it?

It may take a while for them to wake up, but it may not take as long as the Rich White Men think.

I just hope there are some Progressives around to offer to fix things later.

So should you.

