
Dealing with political pests

David Martin
The Left Is Right
Published in
2 min readAug 5, 2024


Photo by Emma Leigh on Unsplash

Political pests are a year-round problem although they tend to be most troublesome in late summer and the fall. All manner of flies, insects and bugs can infest your home and yard, making your day-to-day life unpleasant and miserable. Here are just a few of these annoying creatures to be aware of:


A MAGAt is the white larva of the Republican fly, a prolific insect capable of rapid growth in any non-progressive environment. The larva feeds on garbage and particularly thrives on political red meat. MAGAt infestations can be cleaned out of garbage pails and composters but they are unaffected by truth and inevitably return.


Like the MAGAts, antis are common and tend to take over any politically-unprotected territory. Summertime is particularly problematic since antis are attracted to picnics and large rallies. Antis come in various species including anti-gay, anti-liberal, anti-female and anti-Black. You can attempt to control them but they then simply go underground.

Red Houseflies

One annoying and potentially dangerous MAGAt-spawned insect is the Red Housefly originating mostly from midwestern and southern states. Far fewer in number than MAGAts, Red Houseflies have infected a single house in…



David Martin
The Left Is Right

Wordsmith, humorist and author of “Dare to be Average” on Amazon. Support Dave’s writing by joining Medium: