Trump isn’t the Problem

Robert W Ahrens
The Left Is Right
Published in
4 min readJun 28, 2024

Neither is an old and possibly decrepit Biden

Photo by Mateusz Wacławek on Unsplash

This article isn’t from my Progressive self. It isn’t from my old man self.

This entire article is from my 42+ year veteran of serving the United States and the Constitution in both military and civilian roles self.

I didn’t watch the debate last night. I didn’t have the stomach for listening to Trump and his whiney lies and whatever attempts Biden would mount to oppose his Gish Gallop. Of course today, all the main stream media can do is talk in amazement about Biden’s sounding like an old man and “Oh, by the way, Trump sounded like a nut”, as if that doesn’t matter, but Biden’s voice sounding weak does.

Look, I’ve pounded on this repeatedly for months now. Almost literally.


Trump could appear in public, composed and calm, talking as if he’s working off of some internal teleprompter we can’t see, and Biden could be depicted in a wheelchair wearing an oxygen mask, and I’d still tell you that IT DOESN’T MATTER.

What matters is THE PARTIES THEY REPRESENT. A President has a staff, and that staff has, as their main task supporting and working with that President ensuring that the policies his Party wants enacted get done and administered properly. The President as an individual may be better or worse at actually managing that staff and making the decisions necessary, but in the end, the staff is there because HE CHOOSES THEM, and they are devoted to achieving the aims and goals of that Party.

Now, certainly that individual was important in managing the Party’s choice of how to manage reaching the goals. The policies they push are certainly the ones he wanted it to push as opposed to some others.

But, in the long run, that individual is not critical to the goals and the policies that Party works to get the American People to support. Oh, yes, he’s important. He’s the face of the Party.

But in that same long run, it’s the PARTY that maintains the goals and the direction the Party wants to move the country. As has happened in the past, the President can be killed or die, and the VP steps up and takes his place and the Party and the country move on. The goals and the policies the government that dead President headed don’t change because he died. The new President may or may not change some immediate focus, but the basic direction of the Party stays the course.

However. (Yeah, you knew this was coming, didn’t you?)

In reality, the real policy setters in our system are THE DONORS. Ever since the Citizens United SCOTUS decision, it’s the big donors — the Rich White Men (RWM) and the Corporations and other organizations they control and run who truly tell the Parties what they’re going to do regarding policies and goals. If you think that We, The People really run this system, think again.


In the end, IF we get together and vote in truly overwhelming numbers, we CAN make things change. It won’t happen overnight, it won’t be easy, and the RWM and their Conservative Authoritarian Party, the GOP will fight us every single step of the way, but if we stick together and don’t let ourselves get distracted by stupid media distractions, we CAN win this thing.

But then let’s not be like the Conservatives who never think beyond their win. Even after we manage to turn things around, we cannot just sit back and enjoy the bennies. We’ll have to work to both ensure the rules get changed in ways that prevent all this crap from happening again, but we’ll need to examine the system AFTER we change it to see what shenanigans they might use in the future to try this again.

Trust me, they will.

So, in conclusion, please forget last night. Put it out of your head. DO NOT allow it to move you away from any determination to support democracy or the Democratic Party. I don’t care if Biden has a sudden heart attack and drops dead on live TV — and even if you don’t like Harris.


Because if you don’t and let all those other distractions and immaterial crap get in your way so that you vote for Trump and he gets in the White House to begin to enact that Authoritarian Project 2025, your vote will NEVER COUNT AGAIN.

It won’t because the Conservatives won’t LET it.

So don’t fall for it. Look at this election like the picture above — because the individuals running might as well be little cartoon characters for all they count in the long run. It’s the PARTIES who truly count.

So, vote like your life depends on it.

Because it damn well might.

