Trump’s Texting Abbreviations
Exploring The Donald’s shorthand
Teens are fond of texting abbreviations like LOL, OMG and WTF. Seniors have shorthand codes, too, such as ATD (at the doctor’s) and DWI (driving while incontinent). Not surprisingly, Donald Trump has his own abbreviations:
MAGA — Make America great again
STS — stop the steal
LOL — lie on lie
PAS — people are saying
BM — believe me
BTW — build the wall
IVHE — I’m very highly educated
TBW — the best words
ASG — a stable genius
TOT — tweeting on toilet
FN — fake news
TDS — the deep state
EOTP — enemy of the people
LHU! — lock her up!
STV — swamp the vote
TBTR — too big to rig
HMP — hang Mike Pence
DBD — drill, baby, drill
GEBTP — grab ’em by the pussy
TAOTD — The Art of the Deal
YF! — you’re fired!