Why Joe Biden Is the Best American President Since FDR, and Why You’re Being Conned Into Thinking Otherwise

Your thoughts about Biden largely come down to where you get your information

Russ Josephs
The Left Is Right


Source: Don Ryan, AP

In less than four years, Joe Biden has done more for America — and its standing around the world — than any president since Roosevelt. I’m going to explain why in a second. First, I want to discuss something that’s arguably even more important: why many of his accomplishments are falling on deaf ears.

For the most part, it all comes down to how and where you get your news. If you mainly rely on one of these three categories below, you might want to consult some alternate sources (while also beefing up on your critical thinking skills.)

1. Mainstream media

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist — Charles Baudelaire

The second biggest trick? Convincing Americans that the media is liberal.

In reality, the majority of media outlets, including TV, cable, radio and newspapers, are owned by six companies. There’s absolutely nothing liberal about “corporate news,” especially in a place like the U.S. where businesses have the same legal rights as people.

