Worried About Trump in 2024?

He’s the distraction, trust me.

Robert W Ahrens
The Left Is Right
5 min readDec 30, 2023


In recent weeks, if not months, Democrats are in the sweats about the polls for 2024. How Biden’s poll numbers are so low compared to Trump. It’s fascinating though, how some publications are comparing the polls over Biden’s job approval with Trump polls about his popularity in the GOP.

The two are NOT the same thing. The job approval polls are about how ALL Americans see Biden’s record as President, and that includes a lot of Republicans who’d vote against Biden even if Jesus himself stood beside the man during his next speech.

The polls over Trump’s popularity are about REPUBLICAN voters. and even those don’t, given that, show him likely to win a general election! Primaries, yes, but the general? Hardly.

Look. In 2016, Trump lost the popular vote by a bit fewer than three million votes. He squeaked by the EC by running the Great Lakes states, which Clinton was stupid enough to ignore.

But in 2020? He almost tripled that loss by losing by over SEVEN million votes.

So, now, let’s look at his record since.

Even before his loss in 2020, his rallies weren’t heavily attended, a lot of independent photos showed his rallies held at one end of often mostly empty large venues so the crowd would look bigger in photos taken in certain ways. Afterwards? Remember how the GOP doesn’t like losers?

Well, his rallies since have been largely inside venues as “town halls,” where he could reliably fill them up. AND, look at his indictments. Only at the first one did you see any protesters on his side, and those were almost outnumbered by the press and a few counterprotesters. After that, none of his subsequent indictments attracted anyone marching to support him. In fact, the only people attracted to ANY of his court appearances were the media.

Georgia went to strong measures to ensure there were no issues when he surrendered for his arrest and indictment there.

<crickets>. Nobody bothered to show up to challenge the Georgia cops. Just the press.

The man has something like 91 felony counts against him in at least three courts, ranging from financial shenanigans to insurrection to RICO charges for conspiracy. If you don’t think that hasn’t chased away a lot of the weaker supporters, think again because you’ve definitely got another such think coming!

Why? Because he cannot even reliably control his own Party caucus outside of the Freedom caucus! If there are Republicans inside Congress he cannot always count on, there will be more outside of Congress itself.

And there are! The plaintiffs in Colorado were both Independents and Republicans. Democrats couldn’t, as they had no standing over who would be on the REPUBLICAN ballots in the REPUBLICAN primary! The fact that the state GOP was the party that appealed the decision tells you clearly that the GOP is not totally behind Trump. Not even close if some are so willing to go out on a limb and try to get him off the ballot!

No. I’m not worried over Trump winning in 2024. Even with Biden’s low “approval” numbers, that’s not at all a referendum over his likelihood to win an election against a Republican! Not after Dobbs. I mean, come on.

As has been noted by others, this election isn’t important because of the personalities on the ballot. It’s important because it’s a referendum on democracy itself.

Which means the Democratic party is approaching this election the entirely wrong way.

They’re acting as if Trump is the big issue. He isn’t. Authoritarianism is. instead of always talking about Trump, which is just giving Trump free publicity (which he loves, by the way), they should be talking about what DEMOCRATS want to do. Our goals, and exactly how we intend to manage to achieve those goals.

Americans are TIRED of the political wrangling, the lies, the corruption. Their problems are about health care, low wages, child care, Dobbs and women’s freedoms, being able to vote, Corporate power and how they treat employees, the poor performance of the USPS under Trump’s appointee, heck, I could go on.

NONE of that is being addressed by the GOP. None of it. Everything they do is to blame the Democrats for what the GOP is responsible for, and a growing number of Americans know it. In mainstream America, nobody gives a crap about immigrants. Every damn one of us have immigrant ancestors, and we damn well know it. Heck, we brag about it! We spend a ton of money a year researching our family trees online. Did you know that fully 25% of us descended from England can trace a family line back to William the Conqueror? Yep. Something else to brag about.

I’d bet that a lot of our brown brothers coming over the borders have similar family lines they could brag about in their own countries. Eventually, they’ll brag, too. Same with the blacks and the Asians. This country was FOUNDED on immigrants, and the Conservatives have made an American Value out of that.

Until it came to minorities, of course. But, still, all of those immigrants have made this country what it is. All of them, we wouldn’t be where we are without them.

I mean, how many of our yards would never get mowed, huh? Or beds made in hotels or motels? Or tables waited on? That sounds racist, but every single “minority” of the past got treated just that way. Remember the “No Irish need apply” signs? Those were my people. The British started that “racial” stuff by describing the Irish and Scots as “non-whites”! Eventually, that changed, and I’ve no doubt that eventually, the current definitions of race will change, too.

But we’ll have to work at it, and winning the 2024 election for democracy is how we have to do it! At least, that’s the next big step.

So we all need to get the Democrats to change their idiotic current strategy. It isn’t only about Trump vs. Biden.

It’s Democracy against Fascism. Freedom against Authoritarianism.

Trying to convince Americans that two old guys are still sharp enough to be President isn’t really the point.

Our freedom IS.

