How to Get Started in Freelancing in Tech and Scale Your Business

From Side Hustle to Thriving Business: Scaling Your Tech Freelancing Career

NashTheCoder 🌊 WaveMaker
The Lessons I Learnt
4 min readJun 19, 2023


Photo by Nathan da Silva on Unsplash

This article was written after watching the Eddie Jaoude video on How to get started in freelancing in tech and how to grow it to scale

I have toyed with the idea of freelancing as a Developer, but too scare to do it , but no one said I couldn't explore what it means. So here goes.

Video Intro: Freelancing in the tech industry can be a rewarding career path, providing flexibility and the potential for significant financial growth. Whether you’re a student, a professional looking for a side hustle, or someone considering a full-time freelancing career, there are several ways to start and scale your business. This article (read video), explores five initial ways to make money as a freelancer in tech and seven strategies to grow and scale freelancing endeavours.

Getting Started: Making Money as a Freelancer
1. Provide Hosting Setup for Small Startups:
Many startups have websites built for them but struggle with hosting their websites online. Familiarise yourself with popular hosting providers and offer to set up hosting for businesses. By providing this service, you add value to their business by making their website accessible to potential clients. This is a repeatable service that can generate consistent income.

2. Offer Custom Domain and Email Setup:
Some businesses have their websites hosted online but lack a custom domain and professional email address. Setting up domains with emails for these businesses can be a quick and valuable service. This small project allows you to gain experience while adding value to your clients’ online presence.

3. Build and Distribute Web Templates:
Creating web templates and sharing them for free on platforms like GitHub is an excellent way to showcase your expertise. You can provide templates that others can customise and charge for personalized modifications. Additionally, offering premium templates and services like website development or app development can open up opportunities for larger projects.

4. Provide Manual and Automated Testing:
Specialise in manual or automated testing services using powerful tools like Cypress for UI testing and Pantone for API testing. Many projects lack the benefits of rigorous testing, such as bug reduction and frequent deployment. By offering your testing services, you can add significant value to your clients’ projects.

5. Utilise Specialised Tools:
Learn and utilise specialised tools such as ZAP Proxy for penetration testing or Lighthouse for web page quality improvement. These tools allow you to assess and improve the security, performance, and accessibility of websites and applications. Provide your clients with professional reports, including results, priorities, impacts, and potential solutions.

Scaling Your Freelancing Business:
1. Maintain Consistent and Clear Communication:
Regularly communicate with your clients, providing concise and relevant information. Avoid unnecessary complexities and ensure your messages are easily understood. Being responsive and transparent in your communications will make you stand out as a reliable freelancer.

2. Document Every Step:
Create comprehensive documentation throughout your projects, from planning to execution. This documentation should include the technologies used and their justifications. By making your work transparent and easily understandable, you increase trust and establish yourself as a reliable professional.

3. Gradually Increase Your Rates:
In the beginning, you may undercharge to gain experience and establish your reputation. As you deliver quality work and build a client base, gradually increase your rates. Clients who have experienced your exceptional service will be willing to pay higher prices for your expertise.

4. Start Small and Focus on Quality:
Begin with smaller projects to manage your workload effectively and improve your efficiency. As a new freelancer, you will have administrative tasks and research to handle, which can be time-consuming. Keep your projects manageable, and as you gain experience, you can expand into larger endeavours.

5. Leverage Freelancing Platforms:
Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr provide opportunities for freelancers to offer their services worldwide. While these platforms can be associated with low prices, you can stand out by emphasising quality and professionalism. Deliver exceptional work and prioritise client satisfaction to differentiate yourself from competitors.

6. Collaborate with Others:
Consider partnering with a friend or colleague to work on projects together. Dividing responsibilities, such as front-end and back-end development

Embarking on a freelancing journey in the tech industry can be both exciting and lucrative. By leveraging your skills and following the strategies mentioned in this article, you can kickstart your freelancing career and scale it to new heights.

Remember to start small, provide value to your clients, and continuously improve your communication and documentation practices. As you gain experience and establish a solid reputation, you can confidently increase your rates and attract higher-paying clients.

Embrace the power of freelancing platforms, collaborate with others, and leverage social media to showcase your work and connect with potential clients. With dedication, continuous learning, and a customer-centric mindset, you can thrive as a tech freelancer and achieve your financial and professional goals.

So, take the leap, believe in yourself, and embrace the freedom and opportunities that freelancing in the tech industry offers.

Best of Luck!!!



NashTheCoder 🌊 WaveMaker
The Lessons I Learnt

|| Product Engineer || Digital Public Goods - Open Source Community Manager