What is the goal?

Arturo Hernández
The lessons
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2018

Here’s a list of options. Feel free to choose the one you prefer and live your life to the fullest under that train of thought:

  • Keep the body from dying. Maintain its health, exercise, moisturize, wash it often, eat well and avoid stressors.
  • Pour the mind’s thoughts into something. Create works of art, write, spit out the knowledge. Do not let it wither and dry inside there.
  • Join the dots and make them see it differently. Make it happen, take advantage of those things you now know and create something that will become a necessity for them. Profit from it. Keep thinking of new things or perhaps get stuck perfecting that first one.
  • Find someone and work to provide everything to them. Your money, your time, your youth, your precious years. Give it all to them. Watch out for their well-being. It’s up to you for them to have a prosperous life.
  • Travel (and do it a lot). Discover new places. Discover all of the places. Attempt to find yourself in some of them. Keep trying. Don’t settle. Until you know it all. Until you are sure you have found you.
  • Find someone to listen to. Ask them for the right way. Listen closely. Decide on your own but always take their thoughts into consideration. Don’t repeat their mistakes. Create a life based on their experience.
  • Be afraid. Be very afraid. Don’t dare to do anything for fear of failing. Most probably you will, so why bother? Do things at a smaller scale, make sure to keep the basics on check and don’t expose yourself too much. Life won’t be grant, but it sure won’t be horrible, right?
  • Do nothing. Become numb to what they do. React and be. Follow their script. If you do it well, you will get far. Well, until a specific point. However there will be no worries in your mind. And you can enjoy life at its fullest.

There are more paths discovered as the days advance. It’s up to us to decide which one to take. And I’m sorry to say this but to think you are wasting your time by selecting one of this (or a mix) could mean you are just fooling yourself (which reminds me to add a new path to the rooster).

  • Fool yourself into thinking you don’t need to think about this. Assume every piece will fall into place and that everything will eventually just happen. Be happy.



Arturo Hernández
The lessons

📍Mexicano en Panamá 👨🏻‍💻 ♥️ Hablo de tech, startups, videojuegos, música pop, de escribir de vez en cuando y de leer mucho