Donald Trump: Mental Patient Zero of the Insanity Pandemic

The Liberalist | Russell Fry
The Liberalist
Published in
6 min readMay 1, 2020
Crazy Old Man Trump

Chauncey Devega, a writer for Salon, recently wrote:

“Synergy is when two or more agents come together to create a reaction greater than any one of them could have achieved on their own. It can be good or bad, depending on the desired outcome.

“The synergy between Donald Trump and the coronavirus pandemic is a disaster.”

This point couldn’t have been driven home any better than that. However, the synergy between Trump and anything he gets involved with turns into a disaster. The only difference between now and other periods in his life is that Trump’s synergizing is affecting the entire world.

John Casey of the Advocate wrote:

“As this crisis deteriorates, becomes unmanageable and inexplicably horrible, so will Trump’s behavior. A perfect storm that will unravel an unprepared, unrelatable, and unsympathetic president. A fairy tale turned into the horror of all horror stories.”

If it were only he that was unraveled, unprepared, unrelatable, and unsympathetic. Unfortunately for us, Trump’s faithful cult members have seemed to contract the same menacing frame of mind. It’s bad enough that we’re all caught amid the worst pandemics to hit the United States in over 100 years. Now small, fringe portions of the country are in the paroxysm of another, equally alarming epidemic: a mental illness pandemic.

Cluster B Personality Disorder

Based on a number of signs, it’s quite possible that Donald Trump has Cluster B Personality Disorder — not merely one but all three traits. As defined by Mental Health America, people with a Cluster B Personality Disorder exhibit the following characteristics:

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Trump displays his antisocial personality by acting out his conflicts on Twitter, in his press briefings, during interviews, and in rallies. Rather than engaging in a healthy dialogue, he picks the most public time to get even with those who disagreed with his thoughts or opinions.

In cases where people confront him face-to-face, Trump does his best to control the conversation. This is achieved by either rambling on about off-the-wall topics or by talking over them.

A fine example of antisocial belligerence.

Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder
“President” Donald Trump wants Fox News to run its programming similar to the North Korean Central News Agency. Its hosts are walking a very thin line of trying to appease Trump’s meager base while keeping advertisers happy. Trump repays the Right Wing media outlet by bashing it whenever it hosts deviate the slightest from what Trump thinks should be reported. Anything else is “Fake News.”

Donald Trump, the self-proclaimed “stable genius,” cannot completely build, nurture, and maintain interpersonal relationships. Such social ineptitude can be seen in each interaction he has with others — including his wife and children.

Since Trump suffers from a severe self-inferiority complex, he finds it difficult to see good in others. A fluctuating self-image and warped sense of identity cause him to distrust almost everyone in his life. When others go out of their way to please him, he labels them as “all good.” However, beware of the slightest show of disagreement, less you wind up among the long and growing list of people who are “all bad.”

Trump’s intense personal attachments are merely a means to an end; feeling psychologically burdened by intimacy, he’s coiled like a rattlesnake and ready to lash out over a perceived slight.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Grandiose claims to glory are telltale signs of borderline personality disorder. In Trump’s case, his grandioseness is off the charts!

Out of the three traits on this list, Trump displays a cringe-worthy level of narcissism. Based on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), Donald Trump fits all traits in the principal components analysis (PCA):

  1. leadership | authority
  2. self-admiration | self-absorption
  3. superiority | arrogance
  4. exploitativeness | entitlement

Rather than thinking about the New Yorkers who would die without the ventilators, Trump’s narcissism only allowed him to see it in one way: “How dare this lowly DoNothingDemocrat Governor ask for my help!”

Stress Exacerbates Trump’s Various Mental Pathologies

Lovers of history know well that utterly insane people have managed to become leaders of nations from time to time. It might be amusing to read about lunatics like Eric XIV, King of Sweden, who executed anyone who merely laughed in his presence, but to live under one is not.

If Trump woke up tomorrow with the power of a king, reporters for the Washington Post and CNN would be the first to be crucified — no joking.

Somehow, we Americans allowed a paranoid, vengeful, egotistical, self-loathing, everyone-hating, narcissistic, wishy-washy, megalomaniac in the White House.

Once the stresses of the presidency hit him upside his orange head, it’s all gas and no breaks. You can forget about him showing even a shred of decency or shame; forget about compassion or benevolence; forget about honesty or forthrightness. You may as well forget about Trump possessing even a single attribute that a world leader should have.

It only takes scrolling through his pretentious Twitter feed to ascertain that Trump cares far more about what others think and say of him rather than about the tens of thousands of Americans dying on his watch. His narcissism is exacerbated by the stress he feels due to all of the negative press — the suffering of countless Americans is the furthest thing from his mind.

This following clip from CNN proves my notion to be true.

When asked if he has reached out to anyone he knows who has lost someone to the coronavirus, Trump barely answers. Instead, he flies off into left field about opening schools because children are less likely to die from COVID-19. Amazing!

Trump’s Mental Illness Is Going Viral

Washington Protestors
How about liberty and COVID-19?

Many of the world’s leading mental health experts in the United States and abroad have regularly forewarned us of Trump’s is poor mental health. to the extreme. He publicly has shown again and again he is a delusional fabulist, a pathological liar, and deleterious narcissist.

He is unhitched from reality and seems content living in his fantasy world. His lack of compassion, concern, and empathy for others is purely sociopathic if not borderline psychotic.

However, around 30 percent of the population has become an enabler of Trump’s inane tomfoolery. On top of that, a slightly smaller percentage of these individuals have begun mirroring his mentally ill idiosyncrasies. And this is where the aspect of danger begins to creep in.

Bishop Gerald Glenn: Trumpist who claimed his god is bigger than the coronavirus died of that same virus in early April 2020. “Bishop” Glenn blatantly defied stay-at-home orders and continued to hold packed church services.

For example, Trump suggested that injecting or ingesting disinfectants and cleaning agents into the human body may cure coronavirus. This resulted in a growing number of people being nominated for the Darwin Reward as they had to be rushed to hospitals for poisoning. Normally, doing such would be considered a suicide attempt. Nevertheless, in the era of Trump, it’s believed to cure pandemics.

WebMD published a report that stated:

“In fact, there’s been a more than 20% spike in the number of such poisoning emergencies reported to the NPDS, compared to the same time last year, the report found.”

President Trump has also played a significant role in egging on Trumpists protesting stay-at-home orders. Thousands of protestors took the streets in Washington, California, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Alabama, New York, Virginia, Texas, among a few other states. Protestors held signs that said things like “Give me liberty or give me COVID-19” and called the governors tyrants for following the advice of Trump’s own administration.

Even before the coronavirus outbreak, a few Trumpists have acted on things said by Trump. On August 3, 2019, Patrick Crusius shot and killed 23 people and injured 23 others with an AK-style assault rifle. In a manifesto entitled “The Inconvenient Truth,” Crusius wrote:

“The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate.”

This is a talking point that Donald Trump mentions on a near-constant basis — it’s also one that White Supremacists love to bring up.

But of course, that is Fake News.

The GOP is totally comprised of conspiracy theorists.

Anything their Commander In Cheese says, Trumpists have no compunction echoing it or doing it. It’s as if Trump fell into office in order to validate crazy conspiracy theories, intolerance, racism, the belief in magic, unicorns, leprechauns, and other lunacy … something he has absolutely no problem doing as long as his numbers are up.



The Liberalist | Russell Fry
The Liberalist

Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law.