Marxism is a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Justin Stapley
The Liberty Hawk
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2020

By perpetuating the notions of class struggle and conflict theory, its proponents all but ensure such struggle and conflict.

Marxism, in all its forms, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more we talk about economic classes, the more people identify themselves by the construct of class, the more the theory of social conflict plays out between classes.

This is why mixed economies and social democracy ultimately erode free systems of government. Overtime, socialization towards an excessive focus on inequality centered on identity and class overshadows citizenship, legal equality, and equal opportunity in a sphere of liberty.

No free society can ultimately survive a demand for equal outcomes because it’s simply not possible without shattering individual freedom. Social democracy inevitably devolves into social conflict between hostile camps.

Some will demand a return to true liberalism and the individual freedom that’s been curtailed in the effort to promote equality. Others will demand further steps towards true socialism as the remnant aspects of republicanism frustrate the efforts to seek truly equal outcomes.

Ultimately, Marxist sociology and Jeffersonian governance are incompatible. Mixing them decays and corrodes the foundations of civil society and is caustic towards the notions of free citizenship and the norms and moors that allow us to find common cause in something that transcends the constructs of socio-political, economic, and cultural divisions.

The dysfunction in American society today is far more than the product of a single politician or a single party. It’s the inevitable collapse of civil order that results from trying to build a political system on two foundations that dramatically and often violently pull apart.

This article is taken from a section of the October 12th issue of the Self-Evident newsletter.



Justin Stapley
The Liberty Hawk

Student at UVU, political theory and constitutional studies. Editor/Owner of The Liberty Hawk. Weekly newsletter and intermittent podcasting at Self-Evident.