
For the good of the country, the President must step down from office immediately.

Justin Stapley
The Liberty Hawk
4 min readJan 15, 2021


America is still processing what occurred last week on the steps of our Capitol. With each new video and each new picture, the travesty of what unfolded is punctuated all the more. And there’s still so much more we don’t know.

Hundreds have been arrested. Hundreds and hundreds of investigations have been opened or soon will be. Reports are that charges of sedition and conspiracy are forthcoming. The picture slowly unfolding is that the violence of January 6th was no chance event. It wasn’t a spontaneous flash of violence that was supposed to remain a peaceful demonstration.

The evidence, thus far, is damning. While it’s true that the vast majority of men and women who answered the President’s call to come to Washington DC came expecting to peacefully seek redress for their grievances, there was an undercurrent of preparation for hostile action. An avant-garde of militias, white supremacists, and radical nationalists had carefully laid the groundwork with plans to violently attack the US Capitol from the very beginning.

Donald Trump’s fiery address of his assembled supporters was taken as the go-ahead. He told his supporters to “fight like hell,” and the gathered throng moved purposefully towards the Capitol. As they made their way towards the Capitol, the nominally peaceful protestors merged with die-hards and, by the time they came to the police lines around the Capitol, the crowd was ready for the fight.

Capitol police were outnumbered as the mob pressed against them, pushing them back, knocking over barricades, and assaulting them. One officer died after being beaten with a fire extinguisher.

Was there a peaceful element of Trump supporters trying to stop the violence, intervening to protect police officers, or desperately pleading for peace? Far from it. Vile was spewed at police officers as they were denounced as traitors. Chants of “take back our house” and “hang Mike Pence” echoed across the gathered throng (A gallows was even erected). As officers were dragged to the ground and beat, and while a gathered mass of bodies “heave-hoed” against a police line, far from reeling in shock at the violence and anger, the crowd sang the national anthem and shouted, “1776!”

The stark reality of what happened, whether people are ready to hear it or not, is that Donald Trump has, for the last two months, steadily fomented anger and despair in a segment of Americans who’ve come to believe that the election was stolen and that their country is coming to an end. And, it should come as no surprise that when people become convinced that everything they believe in is about to destroyed, they’re going to act out in anguish and desperation.

Add the elements of radicalism, nationalism, and armed anti-government groups, and we have the destructive suicide cocktail that spilled out into subversion and insurrection on the steps and in the halls of the seat of our free government.

While Donald Trump has since released several statements and videos denouncing violence and calling for peace, his most agitated followers are far from satisfied. A disturbing segment of his far-right adherents is determined to continue what they believe was a revolution that began on January 6th. Every equivocation offered by Donald Trump that has accompanied his denouncements is taken as a wink and a nod to their designs.

The FBI has issued warnings of planned armed demonstrations in Washington DC and at all 50 state capitols. I myself have seen the announcements spreading on social media and in message groups calling on “patriots” to march on state capitols…armed:

At this point, nothing Donald Trump says will stave off what may be about to happen. He has lost control of his own movement. The only thing he can do that stands a chance of getting his most aggressive and agitated followers to stand down and allow for the peaceful transfer of power is to resign immediately.

President Donald J. Trump has this one last opportunity to live up to his slogan and put America First. He must resign.



Justin Stapley
The Liberty Hawk

Student at UVU, political theory and constitutional studies. Editor/Owner of The Liberty Hawk. Weekly newsletter and intermittent podcasting at Self-Evident.