How The Library Was Created And Why

Christian Sotero
Library of Achievement
3 min readFeb 26, 2020

The seeds of growth that inspired this.

There are zero monthly fees.

You don’t get penalized for not reading something or returning it because the people in it manufacture this library.

Its livelihood leans on people’s ability to grow themselves while they conquer life’s battles. And that’s what qualifies you. But more on that later.

Maybe this if your first time here, perhaps not. However, let me share the purpose of this publication with you.

Unlike most writers, I don’t have many years under my belt. But as I’ve researched and read hundreds upon hundreds of stories and articles about success, fulfillment, and achievement, I found myself spending a lot of time here. The more I learned, the more equipped I felt to be able to punch back at life.

But even then, I felt something was missing.

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

You see,

It’s easy to click a promising headline and feel super good after reading a story. But more often than not, it can sometimes feel like we’re in the same place we started….

…looking for the next nugget of wisdom to make us feel better about ourselves. And frequently, it can make us complacent as we continue to put off the things we want to do but don’t feel ready for yet.

If you’re anything like me and I’m pretty sure you are, you know the feeling.

You see, we all go through trials and tribulations as we grow through life. You hear the saying that adulting is no fun, and being young is a long and gone adventure.

Our Mission

The Library of Achievement is lukewarm when it’s without compelling success stories from people like you, jumping over hurdles, and breaking down walls.

A safe place to share your personal stories and the challenges you’ve overcome on your journey. Stories, unlike sugar, don’t give us a high and bring us back down.

When you read about the lives of other people who have stepped out of their comfort zones, taken leaps of faith, and overcome challenges, how much more inspired will you be? Are you going to start doing the thing you love?

Whether it be writing a book, getting that new workout routine started, or leaving home on weekends and networking with others, whatever the case may be, let’s crush our fears together by keeping achievement in our atmosphere.

As long as we surround ourselves with stories of positivity, accomplishment, etc., we are breathing more of that in. And what your input impacts your output.

Welcome the Library of Achievement.

Please follow us and share your favorite story with someone near you.



Christian Sotero
Library of Achievement

Billingual banker and passionate about living intentionally in a very busy world