The Library of Things — Mission Statement

Nicole des Bouvrie
The Library of Things
3 min readAug 27, 2018
Image by Soulcandy

The only way to be a writer, is to write.

The only way to be a better writer, is to write more.

The only way to write more, is to write more.

The Mission

The Library of Things is all about providing a space where great fiction meets the eye. It aims to get writers to step outside of that box people keep talking about. Writing is an individual process, but sharing deadlines, applying the same pressure cooker (deadlines) with the same ingredient (the prompt) and mixing in your own original talent, is what makes writing even more fun.

It’s All About Inspiration

When Soulcandy and myself met through the internet of things, we found out we like being prompted to write. We started to prompt each other every Thursday. A little sentence on some dark forum, which inspired us to some great stories already (for instance: ‘the brain of a boring man decides to take matters into his own hand’ led to Citizen Brain by Soulcandy and ‘a woman robs a library’ led to One Book at the Time by Nicole des Bouvrie). After doing this for some months now, we decided to let others in on the fun. So we started The Library of Things, to collect and grow this thing we started quite innocently.

We live in a great time, where national borders cannot stop us from forming friendships and where the voices of typically underrepresented groups can get heard. At least, that is what platforms such as Medium make possible, and this publication of ‘The Library of Things’ is aiming to help that process. Sharing things to inspire each other, writing fiction that provokes, that makes you laugh, or that makes you think.

Genre, medium, level of talent is of no concern for us. We’re not here to police or to judge what is a good story and what is not. We’re here to connect, to share, to inspire.

Weekly Prompts

At The Library of Things we will share new weekly prompts every Thursday. Everyone has one week to submit, and the resulting submissions will be released each Saturday. Prompts aim to inspire you to be creative, to break down the walls that limit your inspiration. We will ask different people to provide prompts, to keep everything fluid. If you want to be involved in this, send us an email:

If you’d like to submit a prompt-inspired-creation, please read the submission guidelines.

You decide what you send in. Short stories, cartoons, poems, all welcome. Make sure it is a Medium publication. And original. We will check for plagiarism, and plagiarists will be banned for life. And shamed.

Looking forward to all your submissions!

We will only make suggested edits and not make any changes to the submission except with the explicit approval of the author.

Made by Nicole des Bouvrie.



Nicole des Bouvrie
The Library of Things

Writer, teacher & freelance philosopher, PhD. Author of "Why philosophers are crazy” (Damon, 2018). Dutch.