LIDN Weekly Roundup #44

Photo by Macau Photo Agency on Unsplash

No particular theme for this week’s roundup, just an assortment of things in which you’ll hopefully find something which piques your interest.

Something to read… as the panic around Coronavirus continues to spread, a timely article on Open Democracy about how media coverage of outbreaks can propagate racism.

Something to watch…if you’re interested in understanding what an effective development professional looks like in the 2020s, and the ways in which this may differ from the past.

Another article to read… critically examining the bureaucratisation of humanitarian action since the 1980s, and exploring whether a better balance is possible between dynamism and bureaucracy.

Something to listen to… a fascinating short (10 minutes) Witness History podcast where Miriam Coronel Ferrer talks about being the world’s first female chief negotiator to sign a final peace accord, with Muslim separatist organisation the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in southern Mindanao, Philippines.

Finally, something to experience… the Gaza Orchestra (the Edward Said National Conservatory for Music) sends a message of love, hope, and humanity to the outside World as the siege on their territory enters its 14th year.



London International Development Network
The LIDN Weekly Roundup

LIDN exists to connect the London international development community to ideas, opportunities and each other for a strengthened, more impactful sector.