The LIDN Weekly Roundup #31

Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

I’ve been thinking a lot about hope recently and the importance that it has in sustaining social movements — especially during times of mass change.

In the spirit of activist solidarity and to celebrate World Mental Health Day which was marked this week, I want to share some of my favourite hope-filled links.

  1. An article to read by one of my favourite writers, Rebecca Solnit, on the power of hope. It’s a few years old, but still absolutely brilliant!
  2. Have a listen to this fantastic podcast where you get to hear from people making change happen across the world on a range of issues. Refreshing to hear a bit of good news!
  3. A few things to watch which show how hope can be centred in campaigning videos.
  4. Or how about a visit to the Museum of London (it’s free!) to explore successful campaigns that have altered the story of our city?
  5. And if none of those work, there are always cute animals!



London International Development Network
The LIDN Weekly Roundup

LIDN exists to connect the London international development community to ideas, opportunities and each other for a strengthened, more impactful sector.