October 26, 2009: Senior Year of High School
You entered my bedroom unwelcome
and brought with you your trivial questions.
All I wanted to do was read Beowulf;
see how difficult it is to concentrate in this house?
But anyways.
Our discussion-
no, not “discussion.”
A discussion is between more than one person, and you were
the only person talking…again.
I digress.
Our one-sided conversation
(is that even possible?? Yikes)
turned smoothly into “friendships…”
“You have no friends.”
“I Do have friends.”
“Friends-you can call ‘em whatcha want.
Doesn’t make it so.”
“How come just because YOU say something,
it makes it automatically right?”
“Let me tell you this:
when you grow, you’ll know.
It’s not that I’m always right, it’s just that YOU’RE always WRONG,
and I don’t need to be right with someone who’s wrong.”
Oh yea, that’s real mature Daddy.
Now, of course I could be wrong,
but I’m pretty sure that
wouldn’t say that.
Oh yeah-gotcha.
It’s MY turn to play the religion card now.
You sit up there on your high-ass horse
with this sort of air of
righteous indignation
about just how “exceptional” and “spiritual”
and “righteous” and “heavenly” you are,
yet you say nonsense like that.
Your’e so quick to call people fools
(which, btw, goes against the Holy word. Hypocrite),
well listen to this:
how foolish is it of you to randomly
and insensibly spout the crap you do?
Let me answer that for you:
But I deal with it.
And why?
Because I know it’s much safer to deal
with things silently, rather than risk any more
mental and emotional
(and possibly physical)
by opening my mouth.
You say that your biggest problem is the
“clock problem:”
you can’t believe that you “wasted”
17 years on me
when you could’ve been doing something else.
You said that to Mommy, not me,
but you’re loud for NO reason;
it’s like you WANT me to hear you,
yet you bitch at me when I DO!
Make up your damn mind.
Can’t have it both ways-
isn’t that what you’v always taught us?
Practice what you preach.
You said that you have a “general disdain for people.
Hop off your fucking pedestal!
Since when were YOU so high and mighty?!
Why do you feel you are so…
to everybody else?
You told me that your goal is to make every single one of my
remaining days at home
with the hopes that maybe I’ll get so miserable
that I’ll run away
and you can call the cops on me
and they can take me away for good.
Well, guess what?
I’m not going ANYWHERE.
Nope, not at all.
I’m winning this final round.