
Coronavirus: The Swedish Way of Handling the Crisis

Lately, there are a lot of complaints, analyses, and thoughts about how Sweden has handled the Coronavirus crisis. A lot of people say they have handled things badly caused by the elderly.

Agnes Laurens
The Life Essence
Published in
4 min readJun 5, 2020


The Swedish Coronavirus epidemiologist — Anders Tegnell — said he was wrong and should’ve handled things differently. “With the knowledge, we have now, the approach should have been somewhere between ours and the rest of the world,” he said. Anders Tegnell is the head of the advisors of the Corona crisis of the Swedish government. His authority is also a topic of discussion. In Sweden, about 4400 people have died from this virus. That was more than countries near them.

Elderly people

The Swedish government asked the elderly to stay at home to protect themselves. One of them is the oldest parliaments member Barbro Westerholm, 86-years-old. “I’ve been coming here since 1935. Because of CoVid-19, we’ve been here for a few months now, I’ve never spent so much time with my husband.”, She said. She led — before the pandemic — a research group: “Numerous residents of retirement homes have become infected and…



Agnes Laurens
The Life Essence

Agnes Laurens is a writer. She writes for the local newspaper. Agnes lives in The Netherlands, with three daughters.